
Hyundai ‘Super Concert 27 Bruno Mars’ card, all seats sold out

Hyundai ‘Super Concert 27 Bruno Mars’ card, all seats sold out

Enter 2023-04-28 17:11:08 Edit 2023-04-28 17:11:08

All seats were sold out at Hyundai Card’s two-day ‘Bruno Mars 27 Hyundai Card Great Concert’.

Hyundai Card announced on the 28th that all seats were sold out at the ‘Hyundai Card Super Concert 27 Bruno Mars’, which was held for two days from the 27th.

The pre-sale, held for Hyundai Card members from 12:00 pm the previous day, had sold all seats at 12:45, 45 minutes. The number of concurrent users reached 1.03 million. It is explained that this is on a larger scale than the previous sale of ‘Hyundai Card Super Concert 22 Coldplay’ in 2017, when 550,000 people arrived at the same time.

In addition, the general booking, which started at 12:00pm on the same day, was sold out at 12:25 in 25 minutes. The number of concurrent users is 1.16 million, which is also 260,000 higher than the overall Coldplay Super Concert (900,000).

An official from Hyundai Card said, “It is analyzed that the interest in Bruno Mars in the Hyundai Card Super Concert 27 is very hot.”

[CEO스코어데일리 / 이지원 기자 /]

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