
Iran Condemns Foreign Sanctions on Defense Sector amid Rising Tensions

Foreign news 28 April ’24 7:22 am 2024-04-28

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Khanani condemned US, UK and Canadian sanctions against entities or individuals involved in Iran’s defense sector.

Xinhua news agency said that a Foreign Ministry spokesman issued the statement after the three countries announced new sanctions on Iranian companies and individuals involved in the drone and ballistic missile industries. This comes after Iran’s recent retaliatory attacks on Israel.

A spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry condemned the claims and decisions of the European Union against Iran and also blamed some European countries for following the harsh approach of the United States towards Iran.

A European Parliament resolution criticized Iran’s use of drones and ballistic missiles to attack Israel. and called for the imposition of sanctions on Iran.

Mr. Kanani also emphasized that Iran’s military capabilities are at a level that is ready to guarantee the stability, sovereignty and unity of the country’s territory. Including the right to defend the country against foreign threats and aggression. And also emphasizes that Iran is one of the key partners of the international community in terms of ensuring security and peace in the region and around the world.

The spokesman further said: The sanctions do not affect Iran’s commitment to strengthen its authority to protect the country and its people in accordance with the law.

The spokesperson also condemned the European Parliament’s double standards regarding the April 1 attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria and Iran’s response to the incident.

By InfoQuest News Agency (28 April 2024)

Tags: United States , England , Iran , Canada

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