
Justice retains Cabral Libii on the head of the PCRN

Justice stored Cabral Libii on the head of the Cameroon Celebration for Nationwide Reconciliation (PCRN) and instantly suspended the congress convened by Robert Kona.

A victory for Cabral Libii who retains his place on the head of the PCRN and the convened congress is cancelled. The abstract decide of the Courtroom of First Occasion of Maroua, Zizamle Essaya, famous that the texts of the PCRN don’t give Robert Kona the proper to convene a congress.

The nationwide president of the PCRN is at present Cabral Libii, who was elected through the Guidiguis congress in 2019.

Robert Kona tried to annul the election of Cabral Libii, however the process continues to be occurring. The decide was additionally of the opinion that the social gathering’s texts don’t incorporate the operate of “founding president” utilized by Robert Kona.

The congressional suspension runs till the ultimate final result of the case pending earlier than the Kaélé TPI.

Cabral Libii and his family members are celebrating this determination, whereas Robert Kona and the Minister of Territorial Administration are ready their flip to reply.