
Kim Gi-hyeon avoids ‘game talk’ “Lee Jae-myung, the situation is not very good these days”

The ruling party blames the opposition for inciting ghost storiesKim Ki-hyun, representative of the People’s Power, attends the Supreme Council meeting held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the 8th. On this day, the power of the people hung the phrase ‘Ghost stories and upheaval = public enemy’ on the wall of the meeting room. In other words, the public concern that spread before the release of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant was blamed on the opposition’s drive for ghost stories. ⓒ Nam So-yeon

Kim Ki-hyun, representative of People’s Power, expressed his intention not to respond to an open discussion with Lee Jae-myung, representative of the Democratic Party.

Representative Kim met with reporters after meeting with Japanese Ambassador to Korea Koichi Aiboshi at the National Assembly on the 8. When asked, “How will we negotiate with Representative Lee?” “he asked.

He continued, “What does the representative of the ruling and opposition parties do? He solves the deadlocked political situation, but in televised debates, each person only makes his own argument, so let we will stick together harder.”

In response to the question, ‘So we can’t have a discussion?’ he said.

It is said that it is difficult for CEO Lee to participate in the discussion because his position is not good. Recently, within the Democratic Party, after Lee Rae-gyeong, chairman of the Democratic Party’s innovation committee, resigned as a result of controversy over various comments in the past such as ‘sinking the Cheonan ship’, there is a ‘responsibility theory Lee Jae-myeong’ emerges from some. corners.