
Managing Constipation in Cats: Tips for a Healthy Bowel Movement

Shin Seong-woo, CEO of Dongtan Blue Bear Animal Hospital, Peer Free Focused Care

People who suffer from constipation experience significant stress and their quality of life plummets. Likewise, dogs and cats become stressed when they suffer from constipation and are prone to recurrences. Cats are especially prone to constipation than dogs. This is because cats do not drink much water due to their habits, resulting in a lack of body moisture.

You don’t need to worry if your cat poops once a day, but if he doesn’t poop for two days, you should suspect he is constipated. Also, if you suffer from constipation, you may see dry, hard stools or scream due to intestinal pain. A very small bowel movement and the expulsion of a small amount of diarrhea or mucus are also symptoms of constipation.

There are many different reasons why cats suffer from constipation. The main reason is the lack of water intake mentioned earlier. Cats tend to drink less and are prone to constipation because they usually eat dry food. Additionally, because dogs eat their own fur while grooming themselves, if they swallow too much dead fur, hairballs in their intestines can interfere with bowel movements.

Constipation can occur due to conditions such as pressure on the colon due to a pelvic injury, pressure on the colon due to a mass inside or outside the colon, anal bursitis, and rectal polyps. Additionally, cats may avoid defecating because the litter box is dirty or they don’t like it, and various other causes such as stress, obesity, and lack of exercise may play a role.

Above all, constipation should not be taken lightly. If constipation becomes severe, megacolon may develop and even require surgery. Due to constipation, stagnant stool becomes increasingly drier and harder, and if it continues to accumulate, the colon swells and becomes ineffective. When the colon becomes incapacitated, constipation returns and, in very severe cases, surgery is required to remove the part of the colon that has lost its function.

If your cat’s constipation is not that severe, it can easily be managed at home. Above all, it is important to increase the amount of water you drink. You should increase water intake by placing water bowls in multiple places or providing wet food. Another method is to mix dry food and water in a 1:1 ratio. Cats like running water, so it’s a good idea to have a fountain or water purifier just for them.

To avoid swallowing too many hairballs, don’t forget to brush your dog frequently to remove dead hair. You should take probiotics or dietary fiber supplements or exercise regularly to stimulate bowel movement. If constipation does not improve with home management, it is best to visit a veterinary hospital for treatment. To ensure a happy life for your pet, carefully observe your cat’s bowel movements.

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