
Mongolia finds seven beavers infected with Delta-type COVID-19

Ulaanbaatar, Sept. 12 (Xinhua) — Mongolia’s National Center for Animal-to-Human Diseases (NCZD) ​​on Saturday reported a beaver case tested for the coronavirus strain. At least 7 new (COVID-19) positives

Niamdorj Sogbadrak, Director of the Center revealed to local media that “Workers at the beaver breeding center under the Environment Agency of Ulaanbaatar Got a test result for COVID-19 positive in August After that, we detected the outbreak of the virus. mutant Delta species in 7 beavers.”

The outbreak is considered a detection of COVID-19. Mongolia’s first animal Beavers infected with the virus had symptoms of coughing, runny nose, watery eyes, etc. But all the animals have now recovered.

The coronavirus has spread to Ulaanbaatar and 21 cities in Mongolia. Specifically, the delta strain was detected in the capital and 20 cities across the country. Mongolia Which has a population of about 3.4 million people, there are 252,648 cumulative COVID-19 cases and 1,021 deaths.
