
ROJALNU Burkina makes it its battle horse


In order to encourage young people in the different regions to subscribe to this agricultural section of the Agency for the Promotion of Community Entrepreneurship (Apec), the body responsible for implementing the national program, the coordination of the 13 regions of the Network Organizations of Young African Leaders of the United Nations (ROJALNU) Burkina and those of Africa met, with association leaders, on Saturday August 19, 2023, in Ouagadougou.

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In order to respond to the call of the authorities of the transition in the field of land, the Network of Organizations of Young African Leaders of the United Nations (ROJALNU) of Burkina Faso, brought together young people from the coordinations of the 13 regions to find together prospects with a view to revitalizing the agricultural sector.

Overall, it was a question of giving communications on agricultural issues, with the aim that each PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) mobilizes young people in its region to subscribe to the agency for the promotion of community entrepreneurship. (Apec).

To hear Dakiri Sawadogo chairman of the board of directors ROJALNU Burkina, it is a concrete question of giving a communication on the stakes of agriculture, so that each PCR can mobilize young people in its region to subscribe to the Agency for the promotion community entrepreneurship (Apec).

“The fight against poverty starts here. We have therefore seized this opportunity from the government to help make Burkina self-sufficient, to ensure that young people themselves can create momentum to become agricultural entrepreneurs, even beyond rural areas.

Because even at home with two or three square hectares we can produce enough to feed ourselves. Most often, we do not have this anticipation. We think it is time that we reflect with the young people and that we move towards the creation of community fields”, he recalled from the outset.

Dakiri Sawadodo chairman of the board of directors of ROJALNU Burkina Faso

Notwithstanding the crucial aspect occupied by the field of land, ROJALNU also looked into social networks, which play a preponderant role in the context that Burkina Faso is experiencing, with the advent of terrorism. As such, Dakiri Sawadogo pleaded for a rational use of social networks.

“We are going to introduce young people to the 10 tips that the CSC has developed. Advice that we helped develop. What is important in these commandments is the part that allows young people to realize themselves. We believe that if this advice is applied, we will have young leaders,” he said.

Created in 2004, ROJALNU meets the objectives of the African Youth Charter, which brings together young people from 54 African countries. Its headquarters are based in Burkina Faso.

