
“Sai Charoenpura” posted after being linked to a star, 100 million, ordered the same amount of cyanide as “Am”

Sai Charoenpura said the wrong person! After being linked to a 100 million movie star who ordered the same amount of cyanide as “Am”

of the case where the police had to search the Lat factory Krabang district found the code number imported from the cyanide bottle buried behind a house Am It was found that more than 30 legally imported items. And 100 people had bought cyanide online, including nurses and celebrities.

Later, a hint was published that a young actress who is one of the people who ordered cyanide is a famous person in the film industry by playing a film of a famous camp Made more than 100 million baht, which the police are currently the process of expanding those results What is the purpose of the actress ordering cyanide?

latest Sai Charoenpura Posted a Facebook page “Inthira Charoenpura” after being speculated by netizens and linked to be himself, stating that “Wrong person. Comments don’t need to suggest Aom’s name to Aom Ma. Not RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA