
Shu “Gambling ruined my life… I worked at a side dish shop and restaurant to try to pay off debts”

/ Shoo Instagram capture

Girl group SES’ Suga, who was convicted of habitual gambling in 2018, delivered a message of apology through SNS.

In a handwritten letter posted on Instagram on the 19th, Shu said, “I thought that I could not convey my sincerity by hiding because I was afraid.”

Because of gambling, Shu confessed, “I lost all my property, including my real estate, which I had accumulated over the past decade as a celebrity, and sat on a pile of debt and reached a level of disgrace.”

He continued, “Due to debt, the rental deposit of the tenants of my building was reduced. He said, “I did my best to pay off the debt to my creditors because it was a situation where (the tenant) suffered a lot of damage, such as being forcibly seized. We did our best to pay off our debts,” he said.

Shu expressed his regrets to the SES members, saying that he had been living with a heart of sincere remorse for the past four years.