
Study Shows Treating Erectile Dysfunction Reduces the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease by 18%

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Lee Joo-young = Research results have shown that treating erectile dysfunction can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by up to 18%. Randomized controlled clinical trials involving both men and women are needed to generalize these findings, the researchers said.

Dr. Ruth Brouwer’s team at University College London (UCL) in the United Kingdom confirmed this link between erectile dysfunction drugs and Alzheimer’s disease by following 270,000 men diagnosed with erectile dysfunction in the journal Neurology of the American Academy of Neurology on the 8th.

“While advances are being made in treatments to remove amyloid plaques from the brains of patients with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease, there is an urgent need for treatments that prevent or delay the disease,” Dr. Brouwer said. demonstrate the need for further research.”

The research team studied 269,725 men (average age 59 years) diagnosed with erectile dysfunction in the United Kingdom between 2004 and 2017 and examined the relationship between taking the drug phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor (PDE5I) to treat erectile dysfunction and the development of Alzheimer’s disease. for an average of 5 years.

Participants had no memory or thinking problems at the start of the study, 55 percent were prescribed erectile dysfunction medications, and 45 percent were prescribed no medications. PDE5I, initially developed as a treatment for high blood pressure by dilating blood vessels and improving blood flow, is currently used as a treatment for erectile dysfunction.

During the study period, a total of 1,119 people were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. 749 people in the group taking PDE5I developed Alzheimer’s disease, and 370 people in the group not taking PDE5I.

The incidence rate was analyzed as 8.1 people per 10,000 person-years (a person-year is the value of observing a person for one year) in the group that received the treatment and 9.7 people in the group that received did not receive treatment.

When the research team adjusted for other factors that can influence the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease, such as age, smoking habits, and amount of alcohol consumed, they found that people taking erectile dysfunction drugs were less likely 18% of developing Alzheimer’s disease. compared to people who were not taking erectile dysfunction drugs.

Furthermore, the prevention effect was greater for those who issued more prescriptions. If the number of prescriptions issued was between 21 and 50, the risk of developing the disease was 44% lower than that of non-users, and if the number of prescriptions issued was 50 or more, it was 35% lower .

“Further research is needed to validate these findings and clarify the drug’s potential benefits, mechanism of action and optimal dosing,” Dr. Brouwer said. “We need to do a randomized, controlled clinical trial,” he said.

◆ 출처: Neurology, Ruth Brauer et al., “Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors in men with erectile dysfunction and risk of Alzheimer’s disease,”

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#Treating #Erectile #Dysfunction #Reduces #Risk #Alzheimers #Disease