
Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Misinterpreting the UN General Assembly resolution to attack “One China” is either ignorance or ulterior motives | Morning Post

In response to the report issued by American scholars Ge Laiyi and Zhuang Wanhua saying that the UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 did not resolve Taiwan’s status, questioned the one-China principle and called on the international community to allow Taiwan to participate in international organizations, Zhu Fenglian, a spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland, responded today that the report Misinterpreting Resolution 2758 and attacking the one-China principle is either ignorance or ulterior motives. She warned the DPP that “there is no way out by distorting international law and attacking the one-China principle by low-level means” and will only bring shame upon itself.

According to a report from Overseas Network, a reporter asked questions about the above-mentioned report published by Ge Laiyi and Zhuang Wanhua at a press conference held by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council today. Zhu Fenglian pointed out that the report clearly stated that it was sponsored by the DPP. The cliché of the DPP authorities’ remarks on ‘Taiwan independence'”, not mentioning the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation when discussing the one-China principle. “I question whether the relevant American scholars have basic common sense,” she said.

Regarding UNGA Resolution 2758, Zhu Fenglian said that Beijing’s position has been systematically stated many times. She said that UNGA Resolution 2758 resolved the issue of China’s representation in the United Nations politically, legally and procedurally, on the premise that there is one China and Taiwan is a part of China. The relevant historical facts and legal basis are very clear.

Zhu Fenglian said that anyone who distorts UNGA Resolution 2758 dare not mention the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation, and dare not face up to the real status quo of the Taiwan issue and the core content of one China, that is, there is only one China in the world. Taiwan is part of China, and the government of the People’s Republic of China is the only legitimate government representing China.

Zhu Fenglian also said that the relevant US reports repeatedly stated that the UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 expelled “representatives of Chiang Kai-shek”, neither “Taiwan” nor the so-called “Republic of China”, but in fact, after the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the representatives The only legitimate government of China is the government of the People’s Republic of China.

She said: “Government succession has been completed from the perspective of international law. Misinterpreting Resolution 2758 and attacking the one-China principle is either ignorance or ulterior motives.”

Zhu Fenglian pointed out that the relevant US report did not mention at all the real reason why the DPP cannot participate in relevant international organizations and activities after taking power, nor dare to face the reality that the DPP is trying its best to provoke “independence” and undermine the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

She said that this reflects that some people in the United States say they do not support Taiwan independence, but in fact they continue to acquiesce and even condone Taiwan independence.

Zhu Fenglian finally pointed out that the DPP colluded with external forces to find so-called “legal basis” for its own “independence”, but it could not find any other way other than evading historical facts, secretly changing concepts, and deceiving public opinion.

She said that the Taiwan independence elements and their “literary scholars” kept repeating the so-called “Taiwan is Taiwan, China is China” and that “Resolution 2758 did not resolve the issue of Taiwan’s representation”, just to use this specious concept to avoid Taiwan being China part of this historical and juridical fact. She warned: “There is no way out by distorting international law and attacking the one-China principle by such low-level means. It will only bring shame upon itself.”