
That is behind his meeting with Merkel and Scholz

Obama’s Foundation for a Better World

All of this sounds a lot like Obama, who at his worldwide appearances, most recently in Australia, wants to talk about sustainability, education, climate change, equality and the greatest challenges facing humanity of our time. He has been collecting money for years for such large-scale projects, which do not end with words but should lead to action.

Among the prominent donors is Amazon boss Jeff Bezos, who has already contributed 100 million US dollars. A company that, in turn, does not want to fit in with Obama’s sustainable goals because of its handling of employee rights and the constant prevention of works councils.

According to its own annual report, the Obama Foundation’s sales in 2021 amounted to around 161 million US dollars. Net worth is around $680 million.

In addition to numerous other projects, the foundation supports young people around the world as the leaders of tomorrow, the so-called Obama leaders. According to the foundation, their mission is “to serve as a role model and mentor for other young people who strive to change the world around them”. The German climate protection activist Luisa Neubauer was also promoted by the Obama Foundation in 2020 as an “Obama Leader”.

“Obama leader” in 2020: The German climate protection activist Luisa Neubauer (top right). (What: What: Obama Foundation)

Obama’s inspiration remains contagious

Obama himself says he founded the foundation together with his wife Michelle as an “antidote to cynicism”. You live in a time with many challenges that could quickly make you cynical. With their commitment, the couple wants to help tackle these problems. People who want to change the world should be supported everywhere.

Düzen Tekkal, among others, is convinced that the evening with Obama shouldn’t just be about nice phrases, but really about real change. The well-known German journalist and human rights activist of Yazidi descent has been committed to integration, equal opportunities and women’s rights and against Islamism for many years.

At the event in Berlin, she will take part in the panel discussion, which is part of the supporting program of the “Evening with Barack Obama”, directly before the ex-US President’s appearance. According to her own statements, she does not get any money to sit on the panel. I didn’t pay for it either. “I was asked directly by the organizer,” she says to t-online. But the Obama Foundation checked everything and then agreed.

She justifies her participation as follows: “It may sound pathetic. But I believe in the positive power of encounters. We live in a time of great negativity.” Obama continues to be an inspiration. “I don’t dream enough in Germany. But we have the right to dream,” says Tekkal. The struggle for freedom did not go into retirement with Obama. “This fight has to be fought again and again. And for that you have to get up from the sofa.”