
The Age-Related Decline of Synapses: A Phenomenon Leading to Stubbornness

A sort of aging phenomenon… Synapses, the network of the brain, decrease with age.

Posted on 03.09.2024 at 07.30 Posted on 03.09.2024 at 07.30 Modified on 03.08.2024 at 15.53 Views 0

[‘많건부’는 ‘많은 건강정보 부탁해’의 준말로 일상에서 궁금증을 불러일으키는 아리송한 건강상식을 풀어드리는 코너입니다. 건강을 위한 정직한 지식 코메디닷컴의 많건부, ‘많’은 ‘관’심 ‘부’탁드립니다.]

It varies from person to person, but as people get older, many people become more assertive. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

It varies from person to person, but as people get older, many people become more assertive. They find it difficult to accept the opinions of others and appear stubborn. A person who always insists: “I’m right”, what is the reason?

Becoming more stubborn than before is a type of aging phenomenon. Synapses, the brain’s network of connections, decline as we age. We are born with 60 to 100 billion neurons. It contains hundreds of trillions of synapses. Synapses are involved in the processing and integration of information by our body and serve to functionally connect a number of processes such as the stimulation and response of sense organs and memory.

When synapses decline, the brain tries to think through existing familiar pathways rather than creating new ones. The tendency to think that past thoughts and beliefs are correct becomes stronger. If you are always willing to learn, you may not become stubborn even if your synapses decline.

However, if you don’t actively open your mind, there’s a high possibility that you will stick to what you’ve always done or won’t be able to accept new things well. As you get older, it may be difficult to live a daily life full of curiosity like when you were young, but you have to be willing to learn new things and be interested. The habit of sticking only to existing things slows down brain development and further negatively affects the reduction of synapses.

The psychology of self-defense also influences stubbornness. Psychologists analyze that, unlike when we were young when there was nothing to be afraid of, as we get older we can develop a self-defense that comes from the fact that our body is no longer the same as before. As society develops rapidly, the kiosks and non-face-to-face transactions that have emerged are also reasons for stronger self-defense. For fear of making a mistake, people become more cautious and insist on ordering face-to-face to protect themselves.

This is a natural phenomenon as we age, but strong stubbornness tires those around us. If you often use words like “this is wrong” or “you’re wrong” with others, it’s best to use a slightly healthier conversational style. If you control the situation by forcing your stubbornness or do not respect others, it will eventually lead to confrontation. The relationship is also likely to become distant.

It’s wise to respond in a way that doesn’t cause undue stress to those around you. However, if the willfulness is harmful to your health or legally wrong, it can be problematic to accept it unconditionally, so it is better to try to speak carefully.

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#많건부The #stubbornness #old…Why #stubborn #older