
The Rise of the Introverted Economy: How COVID is Shaping the Future of American Consumer Behavior

Do you know yet? Introverts are taking over the US economy!

Who would have thought that such broad categories of people as introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts would have such a huge impact on the economy? But Bloomberg columnist Allison Schrager thinks since the outbreak of COVID, Many Americans are staying at home.

At that time, people from all over the world also had to stay at home, but Schrager, who has been observing the situation in the United States, sees that After Americans have to stay at home Eventually , many people found that they preferred to stay at home rather than go out. Although the world is beginning to return to normal But American life has already changed.

Know the origin of the “Introverted Economy”

The result of advanced technology This makes it possible for many Americans to work from home. Many people are turning to online shopping more than before the outbreak of COVID. It can be said that Covid is the catalyst and creator of the so-called “Introverted Economy” or, simply put, it is an economy created by people who live alone, live alone, and who with a lonely life.

As a result of COVID, Americans are spending less time outdoors. He gave the example of a metropolis like New York which is a hot city for the people of the city. Normally, people don’t go to restaurants before 8 pm, but since the outbreak of COVID, The most popular time to go to restaurants is 5:30 pm in the evening, instead of the usual 8 pm. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that After the outbreak of Covid Young Americans under the age of 50 are starting to leave the house to socialize in the evening earlier. But now it’s getting late. It starts to come out. There is usually no need to wait until it is late.

In addition, data from Gallup also reveals data on alcohol consumption by people from 3 years of age, divided into 3 time periods as follows: 2001-2003, 2011-2013, and 2021-2023 Americans were found to tend to be less drinkers. It can be divided as follows

  • People between the ages of 18 and 35 are those who drink less alcohol. Considered less than 20 years ago, from 72% to 62%.
  • As for people between the ages of 35 and 54, they still drink alcohol at a high rate. drinking at a level of 69%
  • Meanwhile, people aged 55 and over drink more, from 49% to 59%.

Schrager notes that Gen Z is also the most concentrated group of people in US history. Single people are also less likely to meet in public and choose to remain anonymous and have clear boundaries when socializing through online meetings, meaning there is less need to get out and about while older people still socializing and drinking higher levels of alcohol. And maybe even too much. That is why spending on alcohol has increased. This is despite the fact that the proportion of people drinking in bars and restaurants is falling.

Technology not only makes work easier and more convenient. But it has also changed people’s entertainment behavior differently than before. Previously, you had to watch television programs at the time slot determined by the television according to the program schedule. But now it is considered according to the needs of those who want to enjoy entertainment. More and more people are choosing to entertain themselves at home. Going out to live outside is also reduced.

In addition, weekend living found that people aged 25-34 spent less time meeting friends or socializing during the holidays, while people aged 18 and over socialized less. Turn to watching TV and playing games more The effect this will have on the American economy is that there are bars or restaurants that depend on making a profit from alcoholic beverages. It may be necessary to find ways to invest more in delivery, while restaurants will also need to expand their networks to take advantage of additional economies of scale.

Source – Bloomberg, Gallup

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