
Tips for Managing Your Health in Unpredictable Winter Weather

Winter weather is very unpredictable due to climate change. It’s not easy to manage your health in times like these. Especially at low temperatures, people tend to tense up, so even a slight impact can cause a serious accident.

Especially in winter it has a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels. In cold weather, the body’s capillaries narrow, the skin mucosa freezes, and blood pressure rises. People with high blood pressure or heart problems should be careful.

Many people may suffer from depression if they exercise too much in cold weather or if they stay in their rooms for long periods of time due to shorter days. You also need to be careful about colds, which are unwanted guests during the winter.

To avoid catching a cold and survive a warm winter, you generally need to wash, ventilate and sleep well. If you close the door too tightly because it’s cold, the ventilation won’t work, or you’ll have to wash it well after going out and back in because it’s annoying. Sufficient rest and sleep are essential for maintaining health.

In winter, you need to keep your body warm to stay healthy. At this time it is good to drink hot tea. Teas like ginger tea, cedar tea with honey and Ssanghwa tea are good for the body.

Also, if you suffer from dead skin cells or itchy face, knees or elbows, one way is to increase the number of baths.

When the room is dry, it is good to use a humidifier or hang out wet laundry or towels and apply a moisturizer to the skin. Above all, you should not forget to exercise regularly to stay healthy.

The above is a common way to manage your health in winter, so you are well aware of it, but to have a truly warm winter, you will have to find your own way. One thing to keep in mind right now is stress.

Just like you have to enter the tiger’s den to catch a tiger, you have to accept stress to get rid of it. When you recognize the fact that anyone can be stressed, take a look at the stimuli that cause stress and your own reactions and are able to create your own prescriptions for it, your mind will become warmer and your body will become warmer too .

Examining stimuli and reactions also means investigating your own state of mind and that the situation changes depending on the choices you make. So, recognize the stress, practice, and free yourself from that stress.

To relieve stress, you can do it in your own way, such as by exercising, hiking, fishing, traveling, walking, bathing, resting and sleeping. You can eliminate stress with a calm mind and a great, high, broad mindset, or you can treat it as a small, insignificant thing and not react to stimuli. Let’s take unhindered steps towards health.

Jongdeok Yoon (poet and critic)

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