
Treatment Options for Pathological Ovarian Cysts: Sclerosing Without Scars, Pain, or Hospitalization

Hidoc Medical Journalist Director Choi Dong-seokㅣSource: Hidoc

It is everyone’s desire to live a long, beautiful and healthy life. However, several illnesses that appear suddenly can prevent these wishes from coming true. In particular, the probability of developing the disease is very high, with one in three women of childbearing age suffering from ovarian diseases such as ovarian cysts or endometriosis.

If there is a problem with the health of the ovaries, which are very important organs responsible for the secretion of female hormones, it interferes with women’s health, making pregnancy and childbirth difficult. Ovarian disease often has no initial symptoms, so it is very important to manage the ovaries through regular checkups and, if necessary, select the appropriate treatment.

Pathological ovarian cyst, requires detailed examination and treatment

An ovarian cyst is a benign water balloon-shaped lump that forms on the ovary. They are largely divided into “functional cysts” and “pathological cysts”, and most are “functional cysts” that appear and disappear repeatedly according to the menstrual cycle. This occurs when the ovaries function normally during the ovulation process. They are small in size and usually disappear naturally within a month or two and do not require separate treatment.

The “pathological ovarian cyst”, on the other hand, causes pain as the lesion does not disappear and gradually increases in size or twists. If left untreated, it harms women’s health by inhibiting ovarian functions such as ovulation and hormone secretion. In severe cases, it can cause infertility. Therefore, when a pathological ovarian cyst is suspected, a thorough examination and appropriate treatment should be performed.

“Sclerosing”, a treatment without the worry of scars, pain or hospitalization

Since there are no effective and consistently available drugs for pathological ovarian cysts, physical removal is the most effective method. Removal methods include “surgical treatments” such as open surgery, laparoscopic surgery, and robotic surgery, and “non-surgical treatments” such as sclerosant.

Surgical treatments vary in incision size, pain, and recovery period depending on the type of surgery performed, but they all have one thing in common: surgically removing the ovarian cyst or entire ovary through an abdominal incision.

sclerotomy | Source: Choi Sang Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic

Sclerosing is a treatment that uses a special needle equipped with ultrasound to aspirate and eliminate the fluid that fills the ovarian cyst and repeats the injection of alcohol (sclerosing agent) to destroy the tumor. Because the lesion is accessed through the internal vaginal wall using ultrasound, surgery such as an incision or laparotomy is not necessary. Thanks to this, no traces of the operation remain and, since the treatment is performed under sedation, the pain is less. The advantage is that the recovery period is very short after the sclerotomy procedure, allowing for same-day discharge and normal recovery. Best of all, unlike surgery, only ovarian cysts can be selectively removed without damaging normal tissue in the process, making it especially useful for women of childbearing age.

However, since it is impossible to remove adhesions or perform a tissue examination before performing sclerosing surgery, it is necessary to check whether the tumor is malignant through tumor marker testing and MRI. If biopsy is absolutely necessary for some people, surgical treatment is recommended instead of sclerotomy. Even after nonsurgical treatment by sclerotomy, the key to successful treatment of ovarian cysts is to monitor progress through follow-up observation and quickly change the treatment method if surgery is deemed necessary.

Written by = Hidoc Medical Reporter Choi Dong-seok (obstetrician and gynecologist)

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