
[정치][단독] Once in two days of ‘breaking the Serious Disaster Act’… Only ‘one case’

Of the 141 cases, 21 were sent to the prosecution… Only a ‘one case’ charge
“The government’s easing policy should be criticized… it needs severe punishment”
The business world “needs relief”… Government, change to ‘autonomy-centric’

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YTN’s comment confirmed that serious industrial accidents have occurred once every two days since the ‘Serious Accident Punishment Act’ came into force in January, which strengthens employers’ responsibility for industrial accidents.

In eight months, a total of 140 cases were discovered, with the exception of two cases, all of which resulted in deaths, and only one case was transferred to a trial.

This is an exclusive report from reporter Park Ki-wan.


On July 20, a 70-year-old worker at a water purification factory in Daegu died of suffocation while cleaning without even knowing there was poisonous gas.

The next day, at the Daejeon Paper Mill, 50 people working in the waste water purification tank were crushed by a falling pile of activated carbon and lost their lives.

The Penalty for Serious Disaster Act, which held the lead agency responsible for not taking safety measures, came into force at the end of January, but the accidents did not stop.

A total of 141 serious disasters occurred until the 9th, which occurred once every two days.

Accidents happened several times in the workplace of the same company.

In DL E&C, Daewoo E&C, and Gyeryong Construction Industry, accidents occurred three times, and 13 businesses were found to have had two accidents.

However, investigation and liability trials have not kept pace with the pace of accidents.

Of the 141 cases, 21 cases were sent to the prosecution after the Ministry of Employment and Labor completed the investigation, and only one of them was transferred to trial.

Attention is also drawn to the fact that the government’s easing of the severe disaster penalty law has increased companies’ insensitivity to safety.

[김영진 / 더불어민주당 의원 (국회 환경노동위원) : 이런 상황에서 시행령을 개정을 한다는 정부 방침은 비난받아 마땅합니다. 사고에 대한 정확한 조사와 그에 따른 중대재해 처벌법상의 조치가 강력히 필요한 때입니다.]

On the other hand, companies are still complaining about difficulties in the field, saying that the Serious Accident Penalty Act is excessive, and the government and the ruling party are preparing to review enforcement ordinances and laws to strengthen autonomy.

[이정식 / 고용노동부 장관(지난달) :5년 내에 안전 선진국 진입을 목표로 중대재해 감축 패러다임을 자율 예방 중심으로 전환하는 로드맵을 10월 중에 수립하겠습니다.]

As the opposition party that the purpose of the Serious Accident Penalty Act should be kept alive and the ruling party that the government should also look at the difficulties of companies are fiercely opposed, the environmental and labor committee’s examination is expected conflict again.

This is YTN Park Ki-wan.

YTN Park Ki-wan (

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