
‘Behra asked what kind of deal’; Chat between Anita and IG Laxman is out

Kochi: The chat between IG Laxman and Anitha Pulla about Monson Mavungal, who was arrested in the antiquities fraud case, has come out. According to the chat, IG Laxman was informed about the arrest of Monson Mavungal in the case by Anita Pulla. Anita tells Lashman that former police chief Loknath Behra had expressed suspicion about Monson two years ago. The crime branch collected digital evidence including this.

The WhatsApp chat, which took place after 9.30pm on September 25, following the arrest of Monson Mavungal in an antiquities fraud case, has now been released. Anita Pullayil tells Laxman that Mons was arrested this evening. Laxman’s reply to this has been deleted. They also say that Behra had asked Monson two years ago what kind of deal it was. Thanks to Lakshman for sharing the information.

Earlier, there were reports that the Crime Branch was planning to summon Anita Pullayil, who is abroad, for questioning. The Crime Branch’s move is based on the assessment that Anitha Pullayil knows more about Monson Maungdaw. It was Anita who introduced Monson to former police chief Loknath Behra. Earlier, Anita had handed over some information related to the case to the Crime Branch.

It was Anita who introduced Monson to many nobles. It was Anita who brought Loknath Behra to the museum run by Monson. Anita had helped the complainants in the fraud case. The plan is to bring them home and question them in detail. According to reports, Anita intends to question them because she knows more about Monson’s scams and his high – level connections.

Content Highlights: Crime branch gets whatsapp chat between Anitha Pullayil and IG G Lakshman
