
“Covid Muang Chon” has infected another 160 people. 4 big company clusters found many people.

“Covid Muang Chon” has infected another 160 people. 4 big company clusters found many people.

Date 16 Dec 2021 time 06:45

CHON BURI – A further 160 new cases of COVID-19 have been reported, most of them having been infected through contact with confirmed cases in their families, at work, while many more in four large corporate clusters.

On December 16, 2019, the Chon Buri Provincial Public Health Office reported that there were 160 new cases of COVID-19 today.

The new infected people come from 1. People who live in Rayong province. 21 cases came in for treatment in Chonburi Province, collecting 5,297 cases, and collecting 1,856 in other provinces 2. Cluster Thai Summit PKK Company Limited, Sriracha District 2 cases, collecting 6 cases 3. Cluster Myer Industries Company Limited Sriracha District 2 cases, collecting 34 cases 4. Cluster Yamasei (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Rayong Province 6 cases (2 cases living in Chonburi Province, 4 cases living in Rayong Province) 5. Cluster Auto Al Company Signage (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Rayong Province 8 cases (residents in Chonburi Province 7 cases, 1 person lives in Rayong Province) 6. Risky occupation, meeting a lot of people 4 cases 7. Medical personnel 2 cases

8. Provide travel history from provincial high-risk areas (3 cases in Pattani, 1 case for Chachoengsao, 1 case for Songkhla, 1 case for Surin) 9. Contact with confirmed cases (45 families, 26 workplaces, 5 close persons) , join 3 parties) 10. touch with confirmed patients (Under investigation) 7 cases 11. Under investigation, 23 cases

As of December 16, 2021, Chonburi Province There are 1,728,115 people who have been vaccinated with 2 injections, which this month. So far, 928 people have had 2 vaccinations, 10 have pneumonia and 4 have died.

As for those who received just one dose of vaccination, 155,317 and 445,641 were not vaccinated, totaling 600,958 this month. 205 under-vaccinated and unvaccinated 1,562 cases, 28 pneumonia and 17 deaths. person

As of today, 2 new pneumonia cases have been found (one has not been vaccinated), so vaccination will help reduce the severity of COVID-19. people who live in Chonburi should be vaccinated against COVID-19, especially the elderly and those with congenital diseases pregnant woman due to COVID-19 infection not vaccinated are more likely to develop severe symptoms than those vaccinated. which leads to death from COVID-19 and the elderly person with underlying disease pregnant woman will have more symptoms than other groups

Covid-19 outbreak april ripple Starting from entertainment venues, to family, to colleagues. to the community where employees and labourers live, which have risk factors from eating together or have close activities Socialize even if it’s just a small group of 2-3 people with close friends. causing outbreaks in clusters (Cluster) in which people gather both in the establishment, market, construction worker camp and residential communities, military camps

ask for cooperation Community resources are as follows:

Market 1. Traders or employees Do not come in close contact with traders or employees of other restaurants, do not eat close by. 2. Do not socialize 3. Sick must stop 4. Clean the bathroom regularly. especially the common touch points After leaving the bathroom, wash your hands every time. Do not use your hands with your face without washing your hands. 5. Wear a mask all the time. 6. When there is an infected person in the market. If there is a proactive examination Ask everyone to be proactively inspected. 7. When the market is closed. ask for cooperation from the touch or at risk of infection to stay at home 8. Not accepting migrant workers from risk areas 9 Regularly randomized ATK testing

Establishments 1. Not socializing, not setting up a drinking circle 2. Food must not be eaten close by 3. Sick must stop 4. Common touch points Must be cleaned often, such as knobs, handrails, finger scans, signatures and must wash hands immediately. 5. Strict personal hygiene. Wear a mask all the time, wash your hands often, stay apart 6 randomly check ATK regularly.

For those who are in close contact with those infected with COVID-19 Strict quarantine is required. do not go out to spread the infection


