
dtac OneCall infected with covids, looking for a bed, call the hotline 1330 NHSO.

NHSO Hotline 1330 The dtac OneCall solution, Mobile PBX, will help call 1330 hotline numbers more quickly. so that people who need help Don’t be confused with many hotline numbers.

The dtac OneCall solution is ready to add 200 lines from mobile numbers. switch to a call center system easy and fast ready to allocate to officers in Bangkok that helps answer calls anytime, anywhere

NHSO hotline service 1330 new look by dtac OneCall

  • is a call center number from the main mobile phone and can make calls to all staff Reduce the problem of waiting in line for a long time. Optimized for faster answering of incoming calls.
  • all staff People who need help can be called from anywhere. and help officials NHSO can easily communicate with each other. Free intragroup calling system with admin system can set and view reports of incoming and outgoing phone calls
  • The sound quality is clear in every conversation because it uses Native-Dialer. to increase the efficiency of communication with the people
  • Design functions for receiving incoming calls according to the needs of NHSO to increase management potential public reception Calling the NHSO hotline 1330
  • Solution installation is fast Able to meet the needs of use to start the service in a timely manner
