
Fake news, don’t share! contagious tooth decay Through a kiss or a kiss, Siam Rath

On March 15, 2022, the page “Anti-Fake News Center Thailand” published a message stating that ….

according to the published information about the subject matter contagious tooth decay through kissing or kissing The Anti-Fake News Center conducted an investigation by the Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Public Health. found that such issues is false information

from the information about tooth decay that they can be contacted through that kiss or kiss of the medical department Ministry of Public Health explained that tooth decay It is not contagious through kissing or kissing. Because teeth can decay In addition to pathogens It also depends on other factors, such as the acidity of the saliva. saliva flow the condition of the tooth surface especially the duration of exposure of germs and acid on tooth surface until the destruction of the enamel and dentin, respectively which takes a long time This may take several months. until the destruction of the enamel crystals So kissing for a short time can not cause contagious tooth decay However, kissing has a chance to transmit saliva germs such as hepatitis or herpes. May cause transmission of infectious diseases through blood as well, such as AIDS, syphilis.

Therefore, people are asked not to trust such information. and ask for cooperation not to send or share such information on various social media channels and for people to receive information from the Medical Department, Ministry of Public Health can be tracked on the website or call 0-2590-6000

The conclusion of this story is this: Tooth decay is not contagious through kissing or kissing. Because tooth decay can be caused by germs. acidity of saliva saliva flow the condition of the tooth surface and duration of exposure of bacteria and acid to tooth surfaces

Inspecting agency, Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Public Health

Thank you for the information and pictures, Anti-Fake News Center Thailand page.