
From Severe Acne to TikTok Influencer: One Woman’s Journey to Confidence and Clear Skin

I have suffered from severe acne called “cystic acne” since I was a teenager…

Posted 2023.12.16 08:10 Views 0 Posted 2023.12.16 08:10 Modified 2023.12.15 17:44 Views 0

A woman who was severely bullied because of her acne has become a TikTok influencer with 1 million subscribers. [사진=데일리메일 캡처/틱톡 ‘courtneyjones5252’]A woman who was severely bullied because of her acne has become an influencer with 1 million subscribers.

According to the British newspaper Daily Mail, Courtney Jones (21) from Sheffield, England, had suffered from acne since she was a teenager. She developed cystic acne at age 15 and was so depressed that she was reluctant to leave home. Her skin condition worsened to the point that acne covered her face except for her eye area. Her face was so red that even people watching felt pain. Even though she used several products to clear up her acne, Courtney’s skin did not improve.

Even though he went through painful moments, he was not discouraged. He started sharing his skincare routine online. Kourtney revealed without hesitation how he uses ointments and compresses to treat acne.

Kourtney, who charted her skin’s changes over the course of about a year, received encouragement from many people. He has now become an influencer with around 1 million subscribers on TikTok and his skin condition has improved significantly after he discovered an acne medication that works well for him.

Fans responded by saying things like, “Acne destroys confidence and self-esteem, so I’m happy Kourtney is getting better,” and “It’s really healthy to see Kourtney gain confidence (while her skin improves).”

Cystic acne that appears as a lump deep in the skin… It is common on the face, jawline and neck.

The cystic acne Courtney suffers from is severe acne that appears as bumps deep within the skin. Cystic acne occurs not only on the face, but also on the jaw and neck. Unlike mild acne, which disappears naturally, it can be painful and requires special treatment.

Excessive sebum secretion or excessive testosterone secretion can cause cystic acne. Symptoms may worsen in summer, when sebum secretion is abundant. Acne occurs when the skin’s sebum is not discharged to the outside in a timely manner and bacteria that cause inflammation proliferate in the area.

Neglected or incorrect management can cause scarring… Avoid excessive use of acne medications

If cystic acne is not treated in time, the risk of scarring is high. Squeezing acne the wrong way can damage the dermal layer of the skin and cause scarring. It is safe to find the exact cause of cystic acne and treat it with medications or procedures.

You should not abuse acne medications based solely on information that has good reviews online. The ingredient “isotretinoin,” widely known as the secret to treating acne, has significant side effects. It can dry the skin, eyes and mouth and cause adverse reactions such as cheilitis. Isotretinoin can cause fetal anomalies and should not be used by pregnant women. It also has side effects that inhibit bone growth in adolescents, so it is best for adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 to stay away from isotretinoin.

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