
Le Pen’s approval rating is a record high of 48.5% in the French presidential election and final voting survey | Reuters

If the French presidential election is the final vote of the far-right party, National Rally (RN) Marine Le Pen (pictured) and President Emmanuel Macron, the percentage of voters who intend to vote for Mr. Le Pen is 48.5% in the past. Updated the best. A poll conducted by research firm Harris Interactive for the weekly economic magazine Sharanju was announced on the 4th. Photo taken in Paris on March 29 (2022 Reuters / Sarah Meyssonnier)

[Paris 4th Reuters]–If the French presidential election is the final vote of Marine Le Pen and President Emmanuel Macron of the far-right party, National Rally (RN), the percentage of voters who intend to vote for Mr. Le Pen is 48.5. %, A record high. A poll conducted by research firm Harris Interactive for the weekly economic magazine Sharanju was announced on the 4th.

Macron’s victory was considered the default route for the past few months, but Le Pen has gained momentum in the last few days, narrowing the gap between the two.

Sharanju pointed out, “This is the first time that the difference between the two candidates remaining in the 2017 (presidential election) final vote has narrowed so much.” As of March, Macron explained that the approval ratings for both candidates were still in the lead between 53-47% and 58-42%.

Like other surveys conducted in the past month, Macron is still more likely to win in this survey.

However, Mr. Macron was overwhelmed by the crisis in Ukraine and the start of the election campaign was delayed, and the lead was significantly reduced. The focus on unpopular reforms, such as raising the retirement age, is also a pain.

Meanwhile, Le Pen’s strategy, which focuses on lower purchasing power among middle-income and low-income groups, has been successful in less than a week before the first vote on April 10.

His approval rating continues to improve in both the first vote and the April 24 final vote.