
Obesity and Cancer: A Deadly Connection – Are you at Risk?

WHO reports that the number of new cancer patients in Thailand is 190,636 people, or equivalent to 1 in 6 Thais suffering from cancer, and 124,866 people die every year, which means that every hour, up to 14 people die from cancer a cause of death in Thailand.

Doctor told me in the past Causes of Cancer It occurs from many factors such as genetics, exposure to toxins and chemicals. Unhealthy lifestyle behaviors such as drinking, smoking, stress and not getting enough rest. But there is a risk factor that many people don’t expect. And a terrible danger is obesity.

Obesity increases the risk of developing 13 types of cancer, such as uterine cancer 7 times, esophageal cancer 4.8 times, liver cancer 2 times, and colon cancer 1.3 times, etc. , with 3.9% or 544,300 cases of cancer patients worldwide caused by obesity. (sex 368,500 women and 175,800 men) and obesity also increases the chance of dying from cancer by 17% and the chance of cancer recurrence by 13%.

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What is obesity?

Obesity is a condition characterized by an excessive amount of fat in the body. Selected by body mass index (BMI), overweight Asians will have a BMI of 23 kilograms per square meter or more. And obese people will have a BMI of 25 kilograms per square meter or more. But using body mass index may not be an accurate indicator of obesity.

Your doctor recommended measuring your body composition by doing a DEXA scan, or the full name is dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. To display fat mass, according to the American Council On Activity (ACE) criteria, Asians between the ages of 20 and 50 should have no more than 32% fat and men should have no more than 25%.

Another method that anyone can do on their own is to measure your waist circumference. Because it can indicate the fat mass that accumulates in the abdominal area (visceral fat). Waist circumference for an Asian adult male should not exceed 90 centimeters (36 inches) and for an adult Asian female should not exceed 80 centimeters (32 inches). )

How is obesity related to cancer?

The cause is due to excess adipose tissue that releases substances that increase the risk of cancer, including:

  • Increased levels of sex hormones

such as an increase in the hormone estrogen which is related to the risk of breast cancer The increase in endometrial, ovarian and other types of cancers is accompanied by the production of adipokines involved in cell growth. For example, an increase in leptin increases cell proliferation. Indeed, Adiponectin, a hormone (Adiponectin) plays a role in resisting tumor growth.

Obese people have less of this hormone than people with a normal body weight. Adipose tissue is the cause of chronic inflammation (chronic inflammation) resulting in oxidative stress (oxidative stress) due to an excess of free radicals (excessive free radicals), which cause DNA damage. The production of abnormal fat hormones affects the functioning of the immune system. By reducing the efficiency of killer cells or NK cells (Natural Killer cells), a type of white blood cell that helps find and destroy cancer cells, obese people often have increased levels of the hormone insulin. Which is caused by insulin resistance (insulin resistance) increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. and can promote the development of colon, kidney, prostate and endometrial cancer. Turn to take care of food and exercise To maintain adequate body weight It is an important part that helps reduce the risk of cancer.

  • Red meat, processed meat, the bad

If anyone still doesn’t know where to start taking care of food. My doctor advised me to start reducing my consumption of red meat and processed meat. Try to eat as little as possible. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), processed meats such as salami, ham, sausage, bacon, meatballs, Chinese sausage and pork sausage belong to group 1, which is carcinogenic to humans. There is sufficient evidence that it is associated with colon cancer. and stomach Red meat, including beef, lamb, pork, is classified in group 2A and can cause cancer in humans.

The cause is the substance “nitrate” or “nitrite” that is added to preserve food. Add color and flavor When it enters the body, it will be Nitrosamines Nitrosamines are a group of N-nitroso compounds. (N-nitroso compounds; NOC), which are carcinogenic. As for red meat itself, which contains heme iron, this is also broken down in the intestine to form N-nitroso compounds (NOCs). Cooking foods that use high heat, such as frying and grilling, can cause carcinogenic substances Heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Research indicates that Consuming 50 grams of processed meat per day, or just 3 servings of rice, increases the risk of colon cancer by 18%, as does consuming large amounts of red and processed meat Risk of weight gain and increases the risk of type 2 diabetes

  • Start eating more vegetables.

Eating a plant-based diet is a proven way to reduce your cancer risk. And it helps maintain adequate body weight because vegetables contain fiber (Fibre), which contains many vitamins and minerals, increasing the level of antioxidants in our body. One recommendation is to try to include 50% of your meal with various types of vegetables, such as dried beans (soybeans, peas, chickpeas), white tofu, tempeh, whole grains, colorful vegetables, and adequate amounts of fruit.

  • Exercise regularly and always move your body

In addition to exercise, it helps prevent obesity. It also reduces the hormone insulin. which increases the risk of cancer It is also important in reducing cancer cells in the bloodstream. One study of patients with stage 1-3 colon cancer reported aerobic exercise at least 150 minutes per week. Helps reduce cancer cells in the bloodstream

This is in line with research studies conducted on stage 3 colon cancer patients showing the effects of good physical activity. It reduces the risk of cancer recurrence by up to 40% and reduces the mortality rate by 63%.

Therefore, exercise should be done regularly. At least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Helps maintain body weight from exceeding the standard Reduce the risk of many types of cancer Promote the immune system Regulate cancer-related hormones and reduce exposure to carcinogens in the digestive tract

Preventing Cancer Risk You can start by taking care of your body weight. along with other aspects of healthcare such as good sleep Managing emotions and stress and avoiding hazardous substances Cigarettes, alcohol and PM2.5 dust for sustainable health.


Reference source

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#Obesity #danger #cancer