
Parents, come here! The second dose of children’s vaccine starts this week… These 3 types of food should be supplemented | Famous | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Text / Health Power News Network

In order to combat the new crown virus, many schoolchildren have been vaccinated with the first dose of the vaccine. The Ministry of Education plans to start the second dose of the vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 this week, and recommends that it should be the same brand as the first dose. In this regard, nutritionist Liao Xinyi specially sorted out the nutrients that children should take properly after vaccination, including vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin D, and reminded parents to let their babies supplement in time.

▲ Nutritionist Liao Xinyi recommends nutritional supplements for children before and after vaccination (Photo / Retrieved from Health Power)

According to a report by Health Power News Network, on the day children are vaccinated, try to avoid fried foods, sweets and other pro-inflammatory foods, and let children eat light food to avoid side effects of intestinal discomfort. Some children have local pain, redness, swelling or fatigue symptoms after the vaccine. The more serious side effects are fever, headache, palpitations, etc. If symptoms occur, be sure to let the child add water and eat enough protein to enhance immunity. To supplement foods with vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin D to consolidate self-immunity, nutritionist Liao Xinyi recommends the following foods:

1. Foods containing vitamin C, such as guava, kiwi, and citrus fruits, are all good. If children don’t like fruit, they can make fresh fruit into juice or make jelly to increase the fun of eating.

2. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that can reduce inflammation. It is mainly found in nuts, such as almonds, hazelnuts or pine nuts, which are very high in content. You can get enough nutrition by eating a handful of nuts every day.

3. In addition to promoting calcium absorption, recent studies have also shown that vitamin D is related to immune regulation, so vitamin D supplementation also has the effect of strengthening immune function. Foods rich in vitamin D such as black fungus, fish, algae, dried mushrooms, milk powder, etc., and the human body can also produce active vitamin D when exposed to the sun, so it is recommended to open the window for 10-15 minutes on sunny days , for good vitamin D.

Information on increasing immunity: