
Player First Games has temporarily shut down MultiVersus in preparation for a full launch early next year.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 1:27:11 pm Indochina time

Player First Games publish that Open beta oh MultiVersus It is about to close soon. to prepare for a full launch next year MultiVersus success in the opening Open bet last summer The game has brought characters Warner Bros. Popular comes to life in fighting games like Rick and Morty, Black Adam a Marvin The Martian

by Game Director oh MultiVersus in Tony Huynh publish that Open Beta The game will be closed on June 25 and the game will be offline. So it pauses all updates. Unfortunately for players This means that online play will no longer be available until the full launch in early 2024, however, all offline modes. Players will still be able to access them as usual.

Player First Games Strive to improve the gaming experience by focusing on several key areas. These include the content cadence of characters, maps, and new modes and customizations. net code And corresponding The developer will make a sequence system. (Sequence) again and explore new ways for players to connect with their friends in the game.

Although waiting for the return of MultiVersus It may seem long, but the team promises regular updates on the channel. Social media including the website and frequently asked questions (Frequently Asked Questions) Ensuring that players are informed of the latest developments in the game.