
Shohei Ohtani “Waza-ari” No. 2 2 Run 2 1 with OP batting average .286, OPS 1.214 | Full-Count

In the 4th inning, touch up from the first base with a right flight, advance to the second base and produce 1 inning and 5 points

■ Rockies-Angels (Open match, 30th Japan time, Scottsdale)

Angels pitcher Shohei Ohtani started in the open game against the enemy land Rockies on the 29th (Japan time 30th) with “No. 1 designated hitter”, and No. 2 2 for the first time in 3 games in the 3rd at bat of 5 times. I fired a run. He pulled up after 5 attacks with 2 at bats, 1 hit, 2 RBIs, 2 goals and 1 walk. He had a batting average of .286 and an OPS of 1.214.

It was a waza-ari shot. 5th non-death second base. He hit the inside angle sinker of the right arm chacine in the opposite direction. No. 2 2 run that jumps into the left wing seat. He had a distance of 367 feet (about 111.9 meters). Arch for the first time in 3 games since the match against the White Sox on the 26th (27th). An MVP call echoed on the stand.

I showed it with my feet. At the beginning of the 4th inning, he walked on base. After one death, Rendon’s right-handed flight showed a good run to the second base with a touch-up. He survived in Upton’s three-run reversal to the middle crossing. He also made two runs for Suzuki, producing one inning and five goals. It is showing a good finish to the opening.

(Full-Count editorial department)