
Stormy Daniels Contradicts Testimony in Court Against Donald Trump: Lawyers Claim Fabrication

On the 9th, the porn actress Stormy Daniels, who former US President Donald Trump was accused of improperly processing hush money from a relationship, appeared in court again and gave conflicting evidence about sexual activity that Mr. Trump’s defense team denied was a fabrication. Mr. Trump appears in Manhattan Criminal Court in New York City on May 9, 2024. (2024Reuters/Steven Hirsch/Pool via REUTERS)

[ニューヨーク 9日 ロイター] – On the 9th, the porn actress Stormy Daniels, who former US President Donald Trump accused of improperly processing hush money from a relationship, appeared in court again and contradicted her testimony about sexual activity that Mr. Trump’s defense team denied that it was in and make.

In her testimony on Wednesday, Daniels said Trump invited her in 2006 to his hotel room at a golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, where they had sex. At that time, Trump allegedly blocked the door to prevent Daniels from leaving the room. See more

Lawyers argued Mr. Trump that Mr Daniels’ detailed evidence about their sexual relationship crossed over into areas unrelated to the case and would prejudice the jury. There was also a scene where Daniels was asked if it was all a fabrication.

In response, Daniels said, “They’re trying to make me say my testimony has changed, but it hasn’t.”

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Reports on the federal courts of New York. Before that he worked as a reporter in Venezuela and Argentina.

Jody Godoy reports on banking and securities law. Reach her at

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