
The Effects of Minoxidil on Heart Health: What You Need to Know

Ko Yong-wook, Hidoc medical reporter, editorㅣSource: Hidoc

Heart disease is a leading cause of death. Tens of thousands of people around the world die every day from heart disease. Our hearts are weakening at a rate incomparable to our lifestyle. Heart disease is on the rise, especially among young people under 40.

Recently, it was discovered that Rogaine and minoxidil tablets, used to treat hair loss, can increase heart rate and increase blood pressure. Research into minoxidil and heart health continues, with some studies suggesting that minoxidil may have both positive and negative effects on the heart.

How does minoxidil affect the heart?

On the plus side, minoxidil has been shown to improve vascular function and reduce arterial stiffness. This can help improve blood flow to the heart and other organs. Minoxidil can also lower blood pressure, which can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. A 2021 study published in the Journal of Circulatory Research found that minoxidil improved vascular function and reduced arterial stiffness in rats with high blood pressure.

On the other hand, some studies have linked minoxidil to an increased risk of fluid retention and edema. Minoxidil can also increase heart rate, which is problematic for heart failure patients as it can make symptoms worse.

However, it is important to note that most studies on minoxidil and heart health have been conducted on people taking oral minoxidil for high blood pressure. Fortunately, minoxidil, used to treat hair loss, is absorbed into the bloodstream in much smaller quantities. Therefore, the risk of side effects is lower when using topical minoxidil to treat hair loss. However, minoxidil can cause side effects in people with heart disease, so it is important to consult a doctor before using it.

Overall, the research on minoxidil and its effects on the heart is mixed. More research is needed to determine the long-term effects of minoxidil on the heart, especially in people with pre-existing heart disease.

In conclusion, if you are considering using minoxidil, it is very important to consult your doctor first. In general, people without cardiovascular disease can use minoxidil without problems. However, if you have heart disease, low blood pressure, or severe edema, it is not recommended to use minoxidil as symptoms may worsen with long-term use.

Written by = Hidoc Medical Reporter, Director Ko Yong-wook (family medicine specialist)

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