
The Hankook Ilbo : A balanced view of the world

“Saudi oil money effect ‘good’…
Busan Expo 50-50 Application”

Confidence was evident in the voices of government officials. The atmosphere is said to have changed 180 degrees since Busan started hosting the ‘World Expo 2030 (Expo)’ in September last year. At the time, the dominant evaluation was that it was ‘game over’ due to the offensive of Saudi Arabia’s oil money. However, in the following seven months, the landscape changes as companies and governments rush into all-out war. The winner will be decided in the November vote. Ahead of the due diligence from the Institute for International Exhibitions (BIE), which starts on the 2nd, I looked at the mid-term situation. Candidates for Expo 2030 include Busan, Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, Rome in Italy, and Odessa in Ukraine…