
“Two types of immune and vitality foods such as Maini Ildong Pharmaceutical and ‘Deep Sleep Immunity'” – The Herald Business

Ildong Pharmaceutical (CEO Yun Woong-seop) has released two health functional foods focusing on immunity and vitality, ‘Miny Deep Sleep Immune’ and ‘Miny Booster Vitamin’ (picture) has just been introduced. MyNi is an all member dry food brand that promotes ‘tailored nutrition for my body’.

Among them, Deep Sleep Immunity is a product that emphasizes the importance of a good night’s sleep for busy and tired people in daily life. Lactium, which can help improve sleep quality, and theanine, which can help relieve tension caused by stress, were used as functional ingredients. In addition, the company presented that it contains magnesium (liquid type) which is necessary for energy use and zinc which is necessary for normal immune function.

In addition, the vitamin booster is a dry season meal aimed at those who want an active everyday life, and it is packed with various nutrients needed for the day equally in one bottle. It contains liquid magnesium, which is necessary for energy use, as well as zinc, selenium, and manganese. In addition, it is explained that it contains a total of 21 functional ingredients, including vitamins A·C·D·E·K and high-content B vitamins (B1·B2·B6·B12·niacin·pantothenic acid·biotin·folic acid ).

Both products have a cap on top that contains functional ingredients in tablet form and a container on the bottom that contains liquid magnesium. Ildong said it can be conveniently used without water by taking one bottle a day, tablet and liquid together.

Reporter Son In-gyu