
Understanding Osteoporosis: The Silent Danger and How to Prevent It

“Osteoporosis”: what are the first symptoms? Doctors emphasize that this is a silent danger, which does not present symptoms of the disease. Until you break a bone I have found that Thais tend to be sicker. Caused by fear of too much sunlight

The sun in Thailand is so hot that “raw eggs” become “boiled eggs”. Fresh shrimp placed under the seat of a motorcycle become ready-to-eat “stuffed baked shrimp.” However, the sweet light of the morning sun is still a free gift, a good that is good for the body.

Solve the answer to the question “sun-cooked eggs”: can they be eaten?

Studies have shown that sunlight plays an important role in protection. “Osteoporosis” and “Vitamin D deficiency”. Exercise under the gentle sunlight in the morning. Causes the body to receive vitamin D which helps strengthen bones Reduce the risk of osteoporosis. which found patients equal to 2.5-3% of the Thai population across all genders and ages

Dr. Peeraphong Sawatdipong, Orthopedic Surgery Specialist Knee and hip replacement surgery and acupuncture to reduce pain according to traditional Chinese medicine. Praram 9 hospital said this

Thais currently have a very high level of vitamin D deficiency. The more you check, the more you find. And it is found in all genders and all ages. On average, in 100 patients, it will be found that about 30-40% of patients have a vitamin D deficiency. The cause is that Thais are too afraid of the sun. Indeed, the light of the morning sun
When it penetrates the skin up to the dermal layer. It helps the body create vitamin D very well. It will help strengthen your bones. Reduce the risk of osteoporosis in the future. When you enter old age

Because there is vitamin D deficiency be at risk of osteoporosis

How Vitamin D Deficiency is Related to Osteoporosis Many people probably wonder and have many questions: Why do we need to exercise during sunlight?

Dr. Peeraphong Sawatdipong also provided information that “Vitamin D” has many benefits. It helps absorb calcium that is eaten to strengthen bones and protect them. osteoporosis There are also other unexpected benefits, such as controlling blood sugar levels. control blood pressure They reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and also relieve stress. You also reduce the symptoms of depression.

When Thais have vitamin D deficiency, it is certain that “our bones” will not be strong, fragile and will not break easily. Normally, the body can produce good, strong bone cells until the age of 30, but after that age bone density will gradually deteriorate.

and when entering the age of 60 or in women entering menopause Bones become brittle and break easily. It is estimated that in 2025 there will be as many hip fracture patients in Thailand. Over 30,000 cases and rising 2% per year, until there could be as many people with hip fractures in the next 25 years. 50,000 cases per year The percentage of women was found to be twice as high as that of men.

osteoporosis It’s like a silent threat. because they will not show the symptoms of the disease Until a bone is broken

Dr. Peeraphong also revealed information that from medical studies Studies on osteoporosis have begun. Jokes aside, in the last 10-20 years it has been learned that “bone fractures and fragility in the elderly and in menopausal women” are “osteoporosis” that have been accumulating for many decades.

“Osteoporosis” is caused by the continuous breakdown of bone tissue. Bone mass decreases. As a result, the bones are not strong. Fragile, makes the bones easily prone to deformity. The duration of the disease is several years. Normally in our body There will be cells that form bones and cells that destroy bones. which works to make and break down bones in a balanced way. Osteoblasts take calcium absorbed by the body and use it to build strong bones.

But when bones are injured or deteriorate with age, bone-destroying cells will act to break down the bone in that area. For osteoclasts to create new bone to compensate for the bone that has been destroyed.

osteoporosis Initial symptoms

Osteoporosis is a silent danger that we all need to pay attention to. We can observe 4 signs of the disease as follows.

1. The height has decreased by more than 4 centimeters from the original height.

2. The back is curved because the spine is broken and collapsed.

3. suffer from chronic bone pain

4. Wrist or hip bones break easily. This symptom tends to occur more often in women than in men.

Causes of osteoporosis

1. Vitamin D deficiency

2. Calcium deficiency

3. Genetics: If there are grandparents in the family suffering from osteoporosis. This will mean that children in the family will have a greater chance of contracting this disease.

4. Caused by the use of certain “drugs” that cause decreased bone density, such as steroids used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and stomach medications. Anticoagulants

5. Smoking or drinking alcohol regularly

How to prevent osteoporosis

1. Practice outdoors in an area with light sunlight. consistently every day Focus on weight-bearing exercises.

2. If you suffer from joint or bone pain from any cause. You should consult a doctor immediately.

3. Eat calcium-rich foods such as low-fat cow’s milk or consume up to 600 milligrams of calcium per day. Avoid salty foods.

4. Refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking.

5. You should not purchase medications to take alone, such as bolus medications, because they may contain steroids. It puts you at risk for osteoporosis.

6. If possible, it is recommended to measure the level of vitamin D in the body every year. If found below the specified criteria Please consult a doctor immediately.

Treatment of osteoporosis

Today it is relatively more modern. Your doctor will begin by measuring your bone density using an X-ray machine specifically designed to measure bone density. It uses a lower dose of X-ray radiation than a chest x-ray. and check for vitamin D deficiency If found below the specified criteria But the symptoms of the disease are in the early stages. Doctors will treat it by giving calcium and vitamin D. along with stimulating exercises. But if osteoporosis is in a severe stage and has been evaluated, there is a risk of bone fractures affecting lifestyle. Doctors will have the following treatment methods:

1. Targeted treatment of osteoporosis Take 1 tablet per week or inject once a year.

2. Injection of drugs to inhibit the activity of bone resorption cells. This type of drug is classified as a protein, meaning it is a monoclonal antibody that works by inhibiting the activity of cells that break bones. It will be injected every 6 months by injection.

3. Inject “parathyroid” hormone, which is synthesized to mimic what the body produces, every day to stimulate bone-forming cells to function better.

Thanks for the information: Praram 9 Hospital

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