
[Video Game Crazy]598 episodes of PS PLUS’s new subscription-based controversial lazy pack, “Death Stranding 2” was revealed to be developing a medium game introduction

This week, Bahamut video game madness brings information on the art promotion video of “Decisive Moment: Modern Warfare II”, the new PS PLUS subscription system has caused controversy, and the Sony Group’s 2022 business briefing will bring the next policy, Starring Norman Reedus revealed that “Death Stranding 2” is under development, “Microsoft Flight Simulator” launched a new “Defender: The Lone Ranger” DLC, “V Rising” has 150,000 people online and sold 1 million sets at the same time, Zombies have the power to fight Introduction to games such as “Deadcraft” and the rhythm game “Soundfall” created by the independent development team.