
“Who dared to make a male lion’s mane like that”… ‘Single head’ explodes in popularity in Ahang, a zoo in China

picture explanation[사진 출처 = 웨이보]

The hairstyle of a lion at a zoo in Guangzhou, China is a hot topic

On the 29th, local media such as China’s Dayu Daily News reported that a photo of a male lion ‘Ahang’ from the Guangzhou Zoo was uploaded to Weibo and spreading rapidly.

The reason is Ahang’s hairstyle. This is because it is presumed that someone else did the hairstyling, which is different from the normal male lion’s mane.

If you look at the published photo, the front part of Ahang’s mane is in a straight line.

Some netizens were curious as to whether someone had trimmed the lion’s mane.

However, the zoo said, “Who dares to touch a lion’s mane?” and “Guangzhou is humid and hot, so Ahhang’s mane seems to droop.”

If what the zoo says is true, it means that no one has ever touched the mane of ‘Ahang’.

Netizens also showed interesting reactions to the zoo’s explanation, such as “It looks like she had a straight perm”, “It looks gentle because of her hairstyle”, “I made the lion prince of the jungle cutie”.

Ahang is a 13-year-old male lion who came to the Guangzhou Zoo in 2015.

As Ahang became popular online, the Guangzhou Zoo posted a series of pictures of Ahang on the official Weibo account, saying, “Even if his hairstyle has changed, he is still the most beautiful lion boy.”

[이상규 매경닷컴 기자]
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