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From today, public transport masks are completely lifted … First day response


Compulsory wearing of masks in public transport, which lasted for 2 years and 5 months, has been completely lifted.

Wearing a mask when riding a bus or subway is now voluntary.

The same is true in open pharmacies in large complexes.

Let’s find out more by connecting reporters who are out in the field.

Reporter Kim Min-hye.


Yes, I am now inside Gwanghwamun Station in Seoul.

From 0:00 today, the obligation to wear a mask on public transport has been completely lifted.

Until now, you had to wear a mask if you were waiting for a bus or subway.

If not, they had to pay a fine.

With the lifting of the mandate, these sanctions have also disappeared.

The compulsory use of public transport has only been lifted 2 years and 5 months after implementation.

Of course, this action does not mean that you should not wear a mask.

Following the stabilization of the epidemic, the government has been relaxing the guidelines for wearing masks indoors since the end of January.

This can be seen as a wider range of autonomous wear.


It’s the first day, but were more people wearing masks than taking them off?

How was the atmosphere?


I’ve been watching you the whole time while we’re getting ready to connect here.

Even the moment they left the ticket gate, most of them were wearing masks.

Citizens in the ‘No Mask’ condition were only occasionally seen.

Some responded that it was awkward to ascend as they got used to wearing a mask.

In addition, although the corona was still small, a few citizens who felt uncomfortable did not take it off in a prone position.

After spending 3 years of the corona epidemic, some citizens thought it was now a level to leave to personal free will.

Along with public transport, pharmacies, which were omitted from the first stage of the adjustment to the duty on masks at the end of January, were also included in the increase.

Only open pharmacies in markets or large complexes are allowed.

The quarantine authorities have lifted the obligation to wear masks, but have emphasized that masks are the most basic way to prevent infection, and ask people to wear them voluntarily depending on the situation.

In particular, it was recommended to use it more actively during peak hours such as commuting time, or in high risk groups such as the elderly and those with underlying diseases.

This is Yonhap News TV Kim Min-hye from Gwanghwamun Station in Seoul.

#PublicTransportation #Masks #CompulsoryWearing #TotalRedundancies #NoMasks

Yonhap News TV article inquiries and reports: Kakao Talk/Line jebo23
