
Young Advertising Company Owner Dies of Electric Shock While Installing Billboard in Kozhikode

Youth Dies from Electric Shock While Installing Advertising Board in Kozhikode

A tragic incident occurred in Perampra, Kozhikode, where a young man lost his life while installing an advertising board. Muneeb, a 27-year-old entrepreneur and owner of an advertising company called Ajwa, suffered a fatal electric shock during the installation process.

The unfortunate accident took place on Thursday afternoon, around 1.30 pm, near the Chalikkara Mayancheri Poil Road Junction. Muneeb and his assistant were working on mounting the billboard in a field adjacent to the state highway when the board unexpectedly toppled onto a nearby power line.

Despite his assistant’s fortunate escape, Muneeb was in immediate danger. Quick response teams arrived at the scene promptly, along with officials from the Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB). They swiftly disconnected the power supply and rushed Muneeb to the nearby Perampra Cooperative Hospital for urgent medical care.

Tragically, despite all efforts to save him, Muneeb’s life could not be saved, and he succumbed to the electric shock injuries. The entire community mourns the loss of this promising young entrepreneur and leader.

A Dedicated Entrepreneur and Influential Community Leader

Not only was Muneeb a successful businessman, but he was also actively involved in various community organizations. He held prominent positions such as the Youth League Kakkad Branch President, Constituent Advisor, and SKSSF Perambra Region General Secretary.

Muneeb’s sudden demise has left his family, friends, and colleagues devastated. His sister, Muhasina, also feels a profound sense of loss over this tragic incident.

This unfortunate incident serves as a somber reminder of the potential dangers involved in everyday tasks. It is a reminder for everyone to prioritize safety and take necessary precautions while handling electrical installations.

May Muneeb’s soul rest in peace, and may his loved ones find strength and solace during this difficult time.

Perampra (Kozhikode) ∙ A young man, owner of an advertising company, died of shock while installing an advertising board in Chalikkara. Muneeb (27), son of Cherukunat Musa Sarina, a native of Perampra Kakkad, died.

The accident took place around 1.30 pm on Thursday while the board was being installed in the field near the state highway near Chalikkara Mayancheri Poil Road Junction. The billboard fell onto a nearby power line. Although he had an assistant with him, he escaped.

He was taken to hospital after KSEB officials arrived from Perampra and switched off the line. He was taken to Perampra Cooperative Hospital but his life could not be saved. Muneeb ran an advertising company called Ajwa.

He held the posts of Youth League Kakkad Branch President, Constituent Advisor and SKSSF Perambra Region General Secretary. Muhasina’s sister.

English Summary: Youth Electrocuted to death in Kozhikode

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