
‘Biggest since Dangun’ Dunchon Jugong sortie… Pre-sale 22,000 homes next week :: Daily Economy TV

Foreon Olympic Park (Dunchon Jugong), considered the biggest reconstruction project since Dangun, is for sale.

In addition to Dunchon Jugong, 22,000 apartments and offices will be supplied nationwide next week.

According to Real Estate R114 on the 3rd, in the second week of December, 22,07 households (12,780 for sale in general) will start selling in 15 complexes throughout the country.

This is the second highest weekly volume this year.

Complexes that have been put on hold due to the collapse of the real estate market are now for sale, and more than 20,000 households are pouring in with the addition of Foreon in the Olympic Park.

In addition, GS E&C’s ‘Jangwi Xyradiant’ in Jangwi-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul is also expected to be supplied in large quantities in Seoul for the first time in a long time as 1,330 homes are sold to the public.

Located at 170-1 Dunchon-dong, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, ‘Olympic Park Foreon’ has a total of 12,032 households with 85 buildings, 3 floors underground and 35 floors above ground.

Among them, 4,786 households with a specific area of ​​29 to 84㎡ are sold as general sales.

[ 김용갑 기자 / ]

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