
Controversy Erupts as Intel Criticizes AMD’s Mobile CPUs

Controversy Arises Over Intel’s Playbook

By [Journalist’s Name], [Date]

Intel’s recent playbook distribution has sparked controversy as the company took direct aim at competitors, particularly AMD, in a manner unprecedented for the tech giant.

Specifically, the playbook made direct comparisons between Intel’s product and AMD’s mobile CPUs, with Intel going so far as to label AMD’s mobile Ryzen 7000 series as “snake oil.”

The crux of Intel’s criticism lies in the fact that the mobile Ryzen 7000 series includes models that utilize the older ZEN2 core. Intel alleges that labeling these models as part of the 7000 series is deceptive, as it fails to properly differentiate them from newer core models.

In response, AMD defends its decision to use the 7000 series label, arguing that it provides clear differentiation within their naming system. However, Intel’s critique has found support among some foreign media outlets.

Nevertheless, questions have been raised regarding Intel’s own practices, as it has been pointed out that their 14th generation core processor uses the same core as its 13th generation predecessor.

Following the resulting controversy, Intel has reportedly removed the contentious content from their playbook, signaling a potential retraction of their criticism against AMD.

Recently, the playbook distributed by Intel became controversial. Playbook, which has promoted the benefits of its product to customers, has included direct comparisons with competitors’ products, but has never criticized them so openly as this time.

Intel is said to have openly criticized AMD’s mobile CPUs, calling them snake oil, and the reason for this is the mobile Ryzen 7000 series.

According to Playbook, the mobile Ryzen 7000 series also includes models that use the older ZEN2 core. The explanation is that it was a fraud to include it in the 7000 series even though it uses the same old core.

AMD claims that generation differentiation is possible by overhauling the naming system, but since it is sold as the 7000 series, many users will not think it is an older core, so Intel criticized this.

It also seems that foreign media have no objection that this claim is a reasonable point. However, some are skeptical that Intel is qualified to make such criticism. Intel also used old cores in new models, so who has the right to criticize who?

Foreign media outlets point out that the 14th generation core processor introduced this year actually uses the same core as the 13th generation core processor, so it’s basically nothing more than a spit on it.

As the controversy arose, it was confirmed that Intel had removed the playbook containing criticism of AMD.

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