
Health Network》Sweat glands have a warming effect and there are 5 ways to improve the odor caused by sweating – Free Health Network

Doctors pointed out that for sweating problems, attention should be paid to keeping the armpits fresh, or antiperspirants, deodorants and other products can be used to temporarily eliminate sweating and odor problems; the picture is a situational photo. (Picture taken from freepik)

Luo Bi/Copy Editor

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Many people believe that well-developed sweat glands are prone to odor problems and affect interpersonal relationships, but in fact, sweat glands are not useless. Chen Yuchong, deputy director of the Yafeng Skin Beauty Clinic, pointed out that some studies have found that Eskimos who have been exposed to extreme cold environments for a long time have developed sweat glands, which can improve the thermal insulation effect. However, in Taiwan, they have sweating problems. You can try using antiperspirants or drugs, Keep your armpits fresh, use products such as deodorant, inject Botox, and have surgery to destroy sweat glands. There are five ways to avoid suffering from sweating.

Chen Yucong posted on the Facebook page “Chen Yucong Dermatologist” that Eskimo skin is resistant to cold mainly because of “sweat glands”. Normal sweat glands will not sweat the colder they are. Generally speaking, when the weather is cold, since heat dissipation is no longer the main physiological need, the activity of sweat glands may be weakened. Therefore, the skin will sweat less and be less sticky in winter, which is conducive to heat preservation. But in extremely cold environments, sweat glands may actually play a role in keeping warm.

Sweat glands provide skin protection in extreme cold environments

Chen Yucong shared a study published in the Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology that observed how Eskimos adapted to extreme low temperature environments. The researchers used drugs to stimulate sweat glands in 37 Eskimos and 21 Caucasians, and observed the sweat gland marks on 17 skin areas including the face, body and limbs.

It was found that Eskimos had greater numbers and higher activity of sweat glands in areas prone to being exposed to extremely cold temperatures, such as the nose and cheeks, but that sweat gland activity was significantly reduced in areas of skin where heavy clothing was worn, such as the body and limbs. When comparing the number of sweat glands per square centimeter with that of Caucasians, the activity of sweat glands in the trunk and limbs shows a decreasing trend. The number of sweat glands in the trunk is reduced by about half, and only about 1/5 of the sweat gland activity in the feet is left. Sweat glands can provide an extra layer of protection for the skin in extremely cold environments.

Research has also shown that the sweat gland activity of Eskimos is related to the distance from the core of the body and the risk of frostbite. This may be an adaptive change developed in extremely low temperature environments. In such an environment, the sweat glands in some parts, especially those easily affected by cold, such as the face, may be relatively developed. This may be to maintain local moisture, help reduce skin cooling, and even improve the warming effect. It may also be Helps dissipate body heat through evaporation when needed.

5 ways to improve the annoying sweating problem

Chen Yuchong mentioned that sweating is a common problem in Taiwan and suggested trying the following methods:

Keep your underarms fresh:Partially remove hair, wipe away sweat, and change clothes frequently to keep clean and dry.

Antiperspirant:Use antiperspirants or oral medications (requires a doctor’s prescription). The aluminum salts in antiperspirants are used to block sweat gland pores, but they cannot be cured even if they last for a short time.

Suppress body odor:Deodorant also contains antibacterial and antiperspirant effects, which can cover body odor in the short term, but be aware of the possibility of skin allergies.

Botox injections:Botulinum toxin is used to block nerve signal transmission and inhibit sweating. The effect lasts for about half a year, so it can be scheduled in early summer. The problem of body odor will not be so bothersome throughout the summer.

Surgery to destroy sweat glands:At the same time, it can achieve the functions of reducing sweat and improving body odor, such as microwave heat energy, apocrine gland curettage, and subcutaneous laser treatment.

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