
“Hepatitis C”, a silent menace, there is no vaccine to prevent it. Risk of cirrhosis-liver cancer : PPTVHD36

Why hepatitis C virus should not be careless ?

Most people who get hepatitis C have no symptoms. than knowing hepatitis C infection The liver often begins to deteriorate already. which can only be detected by a blood test People with and without treatment can become chronic hepatitis C. Ultimately, major complications include cirrhosis and liver cancer, Hepatitis C is a silent, health-threatening RNA virus. Infected people may experience weakness.

How many types of “hepatitis virus” are there? Ignoring the risk of life-threatening “liver cancer”.

“Liver cancer” from hepatitis virus Check for random symptoms Know before you can prevent cancer

Some people may experience jaundice if a blood test for liver function reveals abnormal liver function. Specific detection of AST (SGOT) and ALT (SGPT) levels.

Where can I get hepatitis C? ?

  • touch the blood Body secretions are blood, lymph, lymph from blood, sweat, fat from sweat glands, pus, cerebrospinal fluid, tears, eye fluid, earwax, snot, mucus, saliva, mucus, phlegm, nausea, bile, vaginal fluid , and semen. in the cavity of various organs such as ascites and water in the lungs and urine
  • sharing needles, eg drug users
  • receiving donor blood before 1992 because hepatitis C screening at the time was not as good as it should have been But now there is a screening test for hepatitis C virus in the blood. each bag before bringing it to the patient
  • Babies are infected by their mothers at birth.
  • fuck
  • Using everyday items that may come into contact with blood, such as razors, toothbrushes, and nail clippers

Self care away from hepatitis C

  • Avoid unnecessary exposure to blood and blood components.
  • Avoid contact with the blood of an infected person. Gloves should always be worn when touching blood.
  • Avoid changing sexual partners. not have sex with someone who has hepatitis C
  • Preventing infection, such as avoiding tattoos and piercings
  • no tools Sharing sharp objects with others, such as toothbrushes, razor blades, nail clippers
  • Avoid alcoholic drinks. because it will accelerate the hepatitis more
  • Do not buy self-medication Because the drug may not be right for the disease and may cause more hepatitis.
  • Annual health check
  • For those who have been diagnosed with the virus Treatment should only be received in accordance with the doctor’s advice.

“Hepatitis B” is a carrier – contagious without symptoms. Must be treated or not?

However, hepatitis C or any other virus usually has no warning signs when infected. but what can we do an annual health check Check your body at least to know your own health. Because no matter how bad the disease is, if we recognize it first and know it, it will definitely be able to alleviate and cure it. Better than waiting for complications and it’s too late to fix

Thanks for information from: Phyathai Hospital and Paolo Hospital

Signs of “pancreatic cancer” found only 1, should see a doctor Smokers have three times the risk.

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