
Optimal Health: The Importance of Standing, Exercising, and Sleeping for Your Well-being

Standing for 5 hours, exercising for 4 hours and sleeping for 8 hours are optimal.

Posted on 03.05.2024 07:18 Posted on 03.05.2024 07:18 Modified on 03.05.2024 13:47 Views 7,020

Standing at least 5 hours a day is essential for your health. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Prolonged sitting causes many health problems, including weight gain, type 2 diabetes, cancer and premature death. So, how many hours a day do we spend sitting for long periods of time? Conversely, how many hours a day is it appropriate to stand?

A study published in Diabetologia found that optimal health requires at least four hours of moderate physical activity each day. Furthermore, standing for at least 5 hours a day is essential for health.

Researchers at Swinburne University of Technology in Australia analyzed data from more than 2,300 volunteers, with an average age of 60, to determine the appropriate mix of exercise and rest for optimal health. A quarter of the participants had type 2 diabetes.

The researchers tracked the participants’ activity for eight days using small monitors worn on the thighs, calculating the total time spent sitting, standing and sleeping. They then compared the participants’ health indicators, including waist circumference, glucose and insulin levels.

The study found that people with optimal health indicators spent much less time sitting, stood longer and spent much more time physically active.

The ideal time allocation was approximately 8 hours of sleep, 5 hours of standing, 6 hours of sitting, and 4 hours of light to moderate physical activity. This distribution maintained ideal blood sugar control and promoted heart health.

Moderate to vigorous physical activity may include brisk walking, cycling, jogging, skipping, or aerobic dancing. Light physical activity may include walking, cooking, doing household chores, or laughing out loud.

Researchers have recommended that 8 hours and 20 minutes of sleep is sufficient to maintain overall health and that increasing the amount of sleep required should be avoided. “Spending less time sitting and more time standing, engaging in physical activity, and sleeping are associated with favorable cardiometabolic health,” the researchers said.

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