
The Effects of Lack of Sleep on Biological Ageing: Swedish Research Findings

Swedish research team: “Lack of sleep damages DNA, accelerating biological ageing”

Entered 2024.03.29 06:55 Entered 2024.03.29 06:55 Modified 2024.03.29 08:52 Viewed 360

People who had a long period without sleep of a month felt that they were three months older, and even felt tired as if they had lived 10 years longer. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]Did you sleep well all night? If you woke up last night unable to sleep, wouldn’t you feel this way? “Wow, I feel like I’m 10 years old overnight”… , that feeling is not just an illusion. It turns out that not sleeping can make you feel 10 years older.

According to a report in the British Daily The Sun on the 27th (local time), Professor Leonie Balter’s research team at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, published research results showing that lack of sleep can make you feel 10 years older.

The research team compared the sleep diaries of 429 participants to find out how much their sleep made them feel younger or older than their actual age. As a result, people who got a good night’s sleep every night for a month tended to rate themselves as an average of 5.8 years younger.

It was evaluated that people who had a long period of lack of sleep over the last month felt three months older and even as tired as if they had lived 10 years longer. People who have trouble sleeping consistently say they feel older than they are.

Dr said. Walter, “This study shows that sleep habits and lethargy play an important role in forming our sense of age. If fatigue is not resolved, you may feel that you are 10 years older,” he explained.

In particular, he emphasized, “After 30, the difference between age and emotions becomes more apparent.” They also added that there is evidence that lack of sleep damages DNA and accelerates biological ageing.

You can slow down aging just by sleeping well

The old saying ‘sleep is the best medicine’ is still used in modern times. High quality sleep slows down aging and affects life expectancy. If you want to achieve even if it means reducing your sleep, you should think again. If you want to live a long, healthy life, it’s important to get a good night’s sleep right away.

If we look at the short-term cognitive effects, there are reports that staying up all night causes concentration problems similar to a blood alcohol level of 0.08% (close to the 0.1% level that would result in license cancellation). Even if you don’t stay up all night, the accumulation of sleep deprivation will have similar consequences.

Lack of sleep causes stress hormones and worsening metabolic indicators to accelerate the aging process. According to previous studies, chronic lack of sleep can accelerate the onset of dementia by around 10 years. According to what experts say, the minimum ‘average’ sleep time per day to slow down aging and maintain good health is 7 to 7.5 hours.

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