
The Healthy Benefits of Potatoes: A Nutrient-Rich Breakfast Choice

Lasting feeling of satiety, dietary effect expected by avoiding excess food at lunch

Posted March 5, 2024 8:14 PM Posted March 5, 2024 8:14 PM Edited March 5, 2024 8:13 PM Views 1 Potatoes are a carbohydrate food that is a source of energy for the body and brain. However, to avoid excessive carbohydrate intake, it is best not to eat it with rice or bread. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Recently, Professor Kim Hyeong-seok, 104, and Gachon University President Lee Gil-ya, 92, are known to eat potatoes for breakfast, attracting attention. Professor Kim Hyeong-seok seems to get the energy he needs in the morning with potatoes, a carbohydrate. The food that healthy people like to eat cannot be considered “healthy food”. However, it is true that there are many nutrients that are beneficial for health. Let’s relearn potatoes.

Protein synergy effect of eggs + potatoes… Carbohydrates are a source of energy for the body and brain

According to the National Standard Food Ingredients Table, 100 g of potatoes (about 1 medium size) contain 17.39 g of carbohydrates and 2.07 g of protein. Adding 1-2 eggs is enough to meet the protein needs of a meal. Potatoes are carbohydrates that are a source of energy for the body and brain. However, to avoid excessive consumption, it is best to avoid rice or bread, which are carbohydrates. Professor Kim Hyeong-seok’s breakfast menu also includes a potato, an egg (soft-boiled), pumpkin porridge, fruits and vegetables (vitamin C) and milk (calcium). It is a nutrient-rich diet.

Easily digestible and satiated for a long time… Dietary effect expected by preventing overeating at lunch

If you boil the potatoes or prepare the pancakes the day before, you can easily eat them the next morning. Some European countries eat a lot of potatoes, so much so that they are a staple. It’s rich in pectin, a dietary fiber, so it’s good for morning gut health and helps with bowel movements. The starch in potatoes acts as a protective barrier, so less vitamin C is lost even when reheated. Contains 374 mg of potassium, useful for eliminating saline substances (sodium) from the body and helps control blood pressure.

Relief from inflammation-bloating… Why do you eat potatoes when you have a stomach ache in the morning?

There are times when I wake up in the morning and my face is swollen and embarrassing. I also have gastritis symptoms and feel sore. This is where potatoes help. Since ancient times, people have eaten potato juice or soup when they felt sick in the morning. Potato starch is effective in reducing stomach inflammation caused by excessive acid secretion in the stomach. According to the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, potatoes are effective in relieving inflammation, burns, high fever and tonsillitis-bronchitis.

Steamed potatoes can increase blood sugar levels… Potato pancakes have a low glycemic index

According to the academic journal Korea Journal of Food and Nutrition, steamed potatoes have a high glycemic index (GI) of 93.6. People who need to control their blood sugar levels, such as diabetics or pre-diabetics, should use caution. The GI is a numerical representation of how quickly your blood sugar rises, and if it is above 70, your blood sugar rises rapidly. Anything under 55 is low. Potato pancakes are listed as 28, so if you’re worried about your blood sugar level, it’s best to fry the potatoes like pancakes. However, eating steamed potatoes with fruits and vegetables rich in dietary fiber can help suppress blood sugar levels.

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