
The Pict-Oniric exhibition, a gate beyond the immediate reality

The current/gestural/objective/decorative Pict-Oniric exhibition of visual artist Daniel Crăciun was opened at Căminul Artei between December 12, 2022 and January 10, 2023. Invited to exhibit 7 sculptures related to his doctoral thesis was Vlad Dan Perianu, from also a member of the UAPR.

“Dimensional complementation”, oil on canvas

As those familiar with his work already know, Daniel Crăciun successfully combines the chromatic “spectacle” with works with a social message, he moves naturally from the visual impact to the composition of the idea.

Works such as “Dimensional complementation”, “Psychedelic concert” (a successful transposition on vellum of the concept known especially from psychedelic music), “Symbolic geography”, “Landscape in landscape” belong to the category of works imbued with a veritable chromatic symphony, in time what “Errare humanum est” and “co-Vid de potere” launch a strong social message, passed through the analytical but also creative filter of the artist.

“Errare humanum est”, acrylic, tempera and collage on canvas

It pleasantly surprises the presence of works with a religious theme, refined and sensibly rendered: “He is everywhere”, a very beautiful juxtaposition of scenes in which Jesus appears, which suggests that the Savior is more present than we think in our lives, but especially in the transcendent, or “Crucifixion”, an oil on canvas that combines the classic with the modern.

“Crucifixion”, oil on canvas

The works “Oneiric metempsychosis” and “Spiritual landscape” or “Traces of life” are also interesting and generate various interpretations.

As for Vlad Dan Perianu’s sculptures, they rather belong to the abstract, essentialized domain, but they hold attention through surprising juxtapositions.

“Colored sculpture”, by Vlad Perianu

An interesting exhibition with eclectic content, designed to satisfy the most diverse tastes and open doors beyond the immediate reality.