
The RTX 4080 12GB specific argument, Nvidia’s choice is withdrawn

Nvidia has abandoned the release of GeForce RTX 4080 12GB. Only the GeForce RTX 4080 16GB, which is higher than the GeForce RTX 4080 12GB, will be released as scheduled.

This fact was announced directly through the Nvidia news page, and it did not explain the detailed reason, but it said that the decision to put two models in the RTX 4080 was confusing and the decision was made accordingly.

In the past, gamers have expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the AD104, which has a lower specification than the AD103, is used as a 4080 rather than a 4070, but this is considered a solution.

Anyway, because of this decision, the release of GeForce RTX 4080 12GB failed, and AIB partners have no choice but to bear some losses. In response, foreign media reported that Nvidia had decided to pay for packaging.

The RTX 4080 12GB, which was not released this time, is expected to reappear as a 4070 or Ti line in the future.