
To keep the ‘Y zone’ healthy and clean after Brazilian waxing…

Haidak Medical Journalist, Director Lee Dong-heeㅣSource: Haidak

As waxing becomes a trend, more and more people are using Brazilian wax to keep the Y zone clean. In particular, at this time when spring comes after winter, more people are looking for Brazilian waxing to prepare for the fast-approaching summer. However, one thing to note is that you may end up with ingrown hairs and folliculitis if you don’t get it right after a Brazilian wax.

What causes ingrown hairs after a Brazilian wax?
Brazilian waxing is a method of melting wax, applying it to the skin, and then removing it after it hardens. When removing the wax, not only the hairs fall out, but the dead skin cells, the epidermis, and the fluffy hairs of the skin all fall off, so the skin is given a strong stimulus and can even skin damage occurs.

When damage to the skin occurs, the skin forms a thick stratum corneum to repair itself. This stratum corneum blocks the pores, and when the hair starts to grow again in a state where the pores are blocked, the hair cannot penetrate the pores and grows inside to the skin. This condition is called ‘yellow hair’. When hair is ingrown, body hair grows into the skin and causes inflammation, which can eventually lead to folliculitis.

When ingrown hairs occur after a Brazilian wax, many people try to pull the hair out of the skin. However, if the skin is damaged during this process, a vicious cycle of infection and inflammation is repeated due to the wound. Therefore, rather than trying to cure an ingrown hair, it is better to visit a hospital and receive Y-zone care.

Hair grown in|Source: Getty Image BankHair grown in|Source: Getty Image Bank

Preventing ingrown hairs… After waxing, you need ‘Y-zone care’
Brazilian wax is now one of the most popular methods of genital care. However, if ingrown hairs occur every time waxing occurs and folliculitis occurs, it can adversely affect the health of the Y-zone.

To prevent this, ‘Y zone care after waxing’ is required. When constant stimulation is applied due to waxing, the epidermis and keratin are excessively removed, resulting in reduced skin elasticity and discoloration. Therefore, it is good to control the beauty and cleanliness of the Y zone at the same time by performing whitening care along with moisturizing and soothing control on the Y zone skin.

Opting for laser hair removal instead of a Brazilian wax can also help. Unlike waxing, laser hair removal is the principle of destroying the hair root by targeting and irradiating the laser to the hair follicle without greatly stimulating the skin surface. When the procedure is repeated more than 5 times, a lasting effect can be achieved, reducing the burden on the skin. In addition, as it does not physically stimulate the epidermis, it has the advantage of reducing the risk of discoloration and loss of elasticity caused by stimulation.

However, when laser hair removal is performed, care must be taken when choosing a hospital. This is because lasers can cause burns. In Brazilian laser hair removal, you can safely remove Brazilian laser hair only when you choose a hospital after carefully checking whether medical staff have excellent knowledge of the genital structure, rich experience in the procedure, and care appropriate after laser hair removal.

Article = Director Lee Dong-hee, medical reporter in Haidak (obstetrician and gynecologist)