
Unlocking the Secret to a Longer Life: Stair Climbing Exercise and Other Daily Habits

Research findings have shown that stair climbing exercise goes beyond diet and helps extend lifespan. [사진: 셔터스톡]

[디지털투데이 AI리포터] During the pandemic, the number of “obesity” (a term used to refer to people who have gained significant weight) has increased, and “obesity” is once again emerging as a social problem. Recently, a somewhat shocking survey conducted by the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency found that one in two Korean adult men is obese.

Obesity among children and adolescents has also increased. We already know that regular eating habits and exercise are important to the diet. Dieting is considered a task for everyone, regardless of age or gender, but losing weight in a busy daily life is not easy. Accordingly, we looked at the daily eating habits suggested by experts.

First, dim the table lights, play a soft song and then eat. According to a research group from Cornell University, eating under dim lights while listening to music consumes fewer calories than eating in a bright, noisy environment. Also, if you eat calmly while listening to soft music, you will eat more slowly than usual, which is good for the diet.

Also, it’s a good idea to replace food containers with smaller ones. According to several studies, simply reducing the size of food containers or spoons can lead to eating less food than usual. On the other hand, studies have shown that people eat about 30% more when food is served on white plates. A good way to take advantage of this is to eat food in blue or purple bowls, which are known to be appetite-suppressing colors.

In addition to exercising on the stairs, when using public transportation, you can get off one or two stops before your destination and walk. Outside of peak periods, walking is not only healthy, but also helps reduce stress.

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