
[국제]Life-threatening ‘American Dream’… Central and South America, illegal immigration to surge in USA


As the economic situation worsens due to the outbreak of COVID-19, illegal immigrants risking their lives continue in Latin American countries.

In particular, as illegal immigrants to the United States flock to Guatemala, which borders Mexico, there is growing concern among locals as well as Koreans due to security issues.

Reporter Seongwoo Kim delivers.


Wander through the sprawling, deep mountains, and cross the creek, relying on a narrow bridge.

On the road, you can also see them dangerously entering vehicles without safety devices.

This is a march of illegal immigrants dreaming of the so-called ‘American Dream’ to the United States as the economic situation worsens due to COVID-19.

Illegal immigrants from Latin America are flocking to Guatemala, Mexico’s border country, to cross Mexico into the United States.

From Honduras and Nicaragua, close to Guatemala, to Venezuela, more than 3,000 kilometers away, they all risk their lives because of illegal immigration.

[제퍼슨 다예고 / 베네수엘라 이민자 : 매일 수천 명이 베네수엘라를 떠나고 있습니다. 비행기도 아니고 도보로 목숨을 걸고 정글을 지나야 합니다. 아프거나 목숨을 잃는 사람들도 많았고요. (목적지에) 도착한다는 확신도 없습니다. 죽는 사람은 그냥 버려지는 거죠.]

[오스카 페르난데스 / 온두라스 이민자 : 일자리가 없고요. 일해도 먹는 것조차 해결하기 어려워 이민을 결심하게 됐습니다.]

The number of illegal immigrants from Latin America who crossed the southern border of the United States jumped from 970,000 in 2019 and 450,000 in 2020 to 1.7 million last year, and has already reached 2 million this year.

It is estimated that 18,000 people a day try to smuggle through the southern border of the United States.

As the number of illegal immigrants who dream of going to the United States increases, the number of people who are deported from transit countries or who have lost their way due to running out of money also increases.

[난시 / 베네수엘라 이민자 : 8~12시간씩 걷다 보면 밤에 도착하게 되고 돈이 모자라 잠은 거리에서 잘 때가 많습니다.]

[프란시스코 펠리사리 / 신부, 이민자 보호센터 책임자 : 팬데믹 전에는 연간 3천~3천5백 명이 다녀가는데 올해는 9월까지 벌써 8,800명이 다녀갔으니 3배가 넘습니다.]

In some cases, they stay in temporary shelters waiting for their family members remit, but homeless people, mostly illegal immigrants, who live a poor street life, are vulnerable to drug addiction and crime.

As a result, the concern of not only the Guatemalan people but also the local Korean community is growing.

[레오넬 몬투파르 / 과테말라 시민 : 온두라스와 니카라과 등에도 범죄율이 높은데 (그들의) 다른 범죄 방식이 유입될 수도 있습니다.]

[이은덕 / 과테말라 한글학교장 : 중남미 지역에서 불법 이민자들이 들어오게 되면 아무래도 심리적으로 불안이 더 가중되지 않을까 생각됩니다.]

The majority of illegal immigrants say they have no choice but to go to the United States because of the worsening economic situation due to the aftermath of COVID-19 and natural disasters.

Life-threatening escapes to cross the border are expected to continue while the livelihood crisis continues.

This is Seongwoo Kim of YTN World from Guatemala City, Guatemala.

YTN Kim Seong-woo (

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