
10 Clues About Your Health Hidden in Your Hands: A Guide to Diagnosis by Observation

You can find clues about hidden diseases

Posted on 3/02/2024 11:15 Posted on 3/02/2024 11:15 Edited on 3/02/2024 11:14 Views 3 If you carefully observe your hands, you can determine the overall health of your body. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Hands are called “miniatures of the human body”. In particular, theories regarding the relationship between hands and health have been widely disseminated in the field of oriental medicine, which has long used the hands as an indicator to diagnose the health of the entire organism.

For example, if your palms are warm, it means your stomach is hot, if your palms are cold, it means your stomach is cold, and if your nails have vertical cracks, it means your nutritional status is poor and probably have anemia.

In the Western medical community, several studies have shown that health can be assessed by looking at one’s hands. Experts said: “Although we usually don’t pay attention, dry skin on the hands and thin nails can be important health signs such as clues to hidden diseases such as cancer.” The British newspaper Daily Mail presented the health signs seen with the hands based on the opinions of experts.

the palms are reddish=It is no exaggeration to say that the hands are an indicator of the state of the liver. If your palms turn red as a general symptom, you may suspect liver cirrhosis.

This symptom, also called palmar erythema, appears red from the edge of the palm and gradually approaches the finger area. If you have liver disease, your hormone balance changes, causing blood vessels in your skin to dilate and appear red.

My hands sweat a lot=This could be a sign that there is something wrong with your thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism occurs more often in women than men, but the exact cause is not known. The activity of the thyroid gland becomes too active and excessive secretion of thyroid hormones occurs.

If the concentration of thyroid hormone in the blood increases too much, the palms of the hands become hot and sweaty. Overactive thyroid gland causes the body to burn more calories and generate more heat.

There is a lot of meat on the knuckles of the fingers=It means that cholesterol is high. Having a lot of flesh on your knuckles is a clue that you likely have familial hyperlipidemia. You may think that fat has accumulated in the tendons over the years, possibly making them thicker.

People who are born with high cholesterol levels have no obvious symptoms, so many people don’t know it, so they die of a heart attack at a young age without receiving treatment. In the UK alone, familial hyperlipidaemia affects around 1 in 500 people and it is estimated that up to 100,000 people remain undiagnosed.

The nails are spoon-shaped=You can think of anemia. Most people’s nails are curved and convex, like the surface of a ball. However, if the central part of the nail is sunken, an iron deficiency may be suspected. Doctors call them “spoon nails.” These symptoms appear especially when you are tired or weak and, since you often suffer from anemia, you need to take iron supplements. Iron deficiency weakens nails, causing them to continue to become thinner and partially break.

The fingers are club-shaped=You need to watch out for lung cancer. If your fingertips are round, like a small bat, it could mean you have a serious disease such as lung cancer. You may also suspect mesothelioma. Mesothelioma refers to a cancer that occurs primarily in the mesothelium that covers the surface of the pleura that surrounds the lungs, in the peritoneum that protects the stomach and liver, and in the pericardium that surrounds the heart.

The reason can be found in the collagen degradation component (PGE2) produced in the lungs. If there is a lung tumor, an excessive amount of this substance is produced, reaching up to 10 times the amount needed by the body. This excessive production causes the fingertips to become enlarged and swollen.

your nails are bluish=Heart disease may be suspected. One of the easiest ways to check how much oxygen is in your body is to check the color of your nails, toes, and lips. If it is pink it means that blood circulation is regular, but if it is blue it means that the oxygen level in the body is low.

This is because the blood that leaves the heart does not flow well throughout the body. This condition, called cyanosis, can be a warning sign of heart disease. The color of the nails due to lack of oxygen in the blood is not bright blue. It appears as a less bright light than the red light that appears because there is enough oxygen in the blood.

There are white spots on the nails=Rheumatoid arthritis is suspected. White spots that look like drips of candle wax are bubbles that appear on your nails. Small blisters on the nails can be a sign of rheumatoid arthritis, even if there are no joint problems or pain. The more of these things appear on your hands or feet, the more likely you are to have arthritis.

There is a protruding lump on the finger=The lump protruding on the finger is a bone tumor. This means that you have osteoarthritis in the pelvic area. If you have a bone tumor in your finger, even the slightest touch will cause pain. This means that osteoarthritis can occur in any part of the body, such as the pelvis or knees. These tumors are called Heberden nodules.

The hands are large in proportion to the body=It means there is a problem with the pituitary gland. If your hands are swollen and large, it means you have a high risk of acromegaly. Swollen feet, lips, nose and ears can also be a clue to the presence of this disease. The pituitary gland, located beneath the hypothalamus in the brain, regulates the amount and timing of secretion of hormones from various hormone glands. If hyperfunction occurs due to a pituitary tumor, gigantism and acromegaly may occur.

The nail colors give off two reflections=It means that the kidneys are not well. If half of the nail is white, but half of the tip of the nail is brown, it means there is a kidney problem. This condition is called “half-and-half nails.” The reason this occurs is because of the elements. This is a symptom that occurs when you consume protein and the ammonia produced during the breakdown of protein in the body is converted into urea and excreted with urine, but remains in the skin and nails.

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