
Oats and Barley: The Key to Managing Hyperlipidemia and Diabetes

Rich in unsaturated fatty acids which contribute to the prevention and management of hyperlipidemia

Posted on 04.18.2024 19:19 Posted on 04.18.2024 19:19 Edited on 04.18.2024 17:28 Views 7 According to the National Standard Table of Food Ingredients, 100 g of oat rice contains 6.51 g of protein and reduce the risk of hyperlipidemia (dyslipidemia), etc. It contains many unsaturated fatty acids which help in prevention and management. [사진=클립아트코리아]

As you get older, you need to focus on blood sugar control and blood vessel management. This is because the starting point of dangerous cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is hyperlipidemia, diabetes and hypertension. You can’t just eat vegetables to manage your blood sugar and blood vessels. It is useful to reduce carbohydrates and constantly eat barley and oats, which help control blood vessels and blood sugar.

Protect your muscles, reduce cholesterol… What nutrients are in oats?

According to the National Standard Food Ingredients Table, 100 g of rice oats contains 6.51 g of protein and contains many unsaturated fatty acids that help prevent and manage hyperlipidemia (dyslipidemia). Total unsaturated fatty acids are 3.90 g, of which 2.3 g are monounsaturated fatty acids and 1.68 g polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is an ingredient that contributes significantly to the maintenance of muscles that decrease with age and to the reduction of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood.

Rich in vitamins and minerals… What proportion of rice to oats is right for me?

Oats contain a balanced amount of essential amino acids that make up proteins. It also contains seven types of vitamin B and vitamin E. There are also nine minerals (Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, K, P, Cu, Mn, Zn), including iron and magnesium. Oats, known as oatmeal, are also used for breakfast and as baby food. When cooking rice by mixing oats with rice, the individual can decide the ratio, such as 20% or 30%, taking into account taste and nutrient intake.

Control blood sugar, reduce cholesterol in the body… What is dietary fiber in barley rice?

Barley rice helps prevent and manage diabetes by helping blood sugar levels rise slowly and slowly after a meal. 100 g of barley rice contains 3.55 g of protein and 2.7 g of total dietary fiber. In particular, dietary fiber helps control blood sugar levels and reduce cholesterol in the body. It helps maintain intestinal health and suppresses the development of colon cancer by expelling carcinogens such as neutral fatty cholesterol, heavy metals and nitrosamines that enter the body through other foods. There are many different nutrients, such as vitamins, calcium, and iron, that are missing from rice.

When to avoid mixed cereals… Who has difficulty digesting food?

Grains other than white rice are called mixed grains. Although mixed grains contain many nutrients that are beneficial to the body, they have the disadvantage of being difficult to digest. If you have severe digestive problems, it is best to eat white rice to supplement your energy. Depending on the individual’s physical condition, the mixing ratio with rice can be adjusted. People with kidney problems should also avoid mixed grains. The high content of phosphorus and potassium increases the risk of hyperphosphatemia and hyperkalemia. It can cause various health problems, including lethargy.

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